Atomic and Nuclear Physics Goals: quanta-photons-matter waves, Isotopes, Binding Energy, Nuclear Decay and Nuclear Reactions
Electricity, Magnetism, Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum what do they have in common? Moving electrons (electric fields) create electromagnetic radiation as exited electrons return to ground state The moving electron quantizes the energy Max Plank – energy absorbed and given off in multiples quanta and depends on the frequency of exited electron Energy of quanta E = h f h=6.63 ee- 34Js Quantum Mechanics – theory deals with energy and quantum states
Photons Calculate energy of a photon of Red light: E = h f c = λ f f = c/λ = (6.63 ee -34 Js) (4.29 ee14 1/s) = 2.84 ee -19 J Energy of a photon of Violet light = 4.97 ee -17 J Much more energy!!! Einstein applied “quanta” to all electromagnetic radiation electromagnetic radiation occurs in “bundles” called photons particles of light Explained the photoelectric effect where even the brightest red light can’t produce, violet does! so, when the frequency is increased then the number of photons produced increases
Compton Shift confirms that photons are particle- like because they have momentum p = m v Collisions of photons and electrons produced a wavelength shift hence transferring energy The Low energy frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum act more wave-like and are sent in continuous waves that are easily diffracted AM vs Fm Light photons are wave-like and particle-like reflected, refracted, diffracted, interfere and exhibit the photoelectric effect Higher frequency electromagnetic waves exhibit more photon-like character less interference
Wave Model deBroglie – matter-waves Heisenberg – uncertainty Wave Model of the atom – 4 quantum numbers Energy Level (period), Sublevel (spdf), Orbital and Spin (+ o -) Why is the electron cloud studied? Because that is one way photons are produced What about another way that photons are produced Electromagnetic energy can also be released from the Nucleus of atoms
Nuclear Physics Elemental Keys show atomic number, symbol and average atomic mass Atomic number Z number of protons identifies the element N number of neutrons varies Isotopes – elements with differing number of neutrons Average atomic mass – averaged mass of all isotopes of an element (beanium lab) Mass Number – total amu umu P + N 1/12 of a C-12 atom 6 P and 6 N
Energy of the nucleus is associated with the Strong Force what is a force? Transfer or conversion of energy…what energy? Binding Energy – opposes the repulsive P – P electromagnetic force (coulomb force) default mass energy is released when nuclei fuse or split matter is not conserved and is converted to ENERGY Energy and mass, however, are conserved in nuclear reactions
Calculating Binding Energy E = m c² = (Z)( µ) + (N)( µ) - mass bound x MeV / µ (problems)
Nuclear Decay Nuclear Decay – an unstable nucleus emits alpha, beta particles and gamma photons to become stable Alpha He-4 nucleus 2 P 2 N (paper) Beta electron or positron N becomes P (Al foil) Gamma is energy does not affect identity (penetrate Pb) Decay Series (U-235 series) Half-Life – time for ½ of a radioisotope to decay steady T ½ (1/2)² ex= H-Ls
Fission and Fusion reactions Fission (radioactivity) – natural or initiated by energetic particles like neutrons Heavy nuclei split into smaller nuclei called daughter products daughter nuclei are more tightly bound and have less mass so energy is emitted U n -> Be Kr-93 +3n + gamma nuclear chain reaction but can be controlled by Cd rods that absorb neutrons U-235 only.7% enriched to sustain reactions Ce has the most binding energy Z = 58
Fusion – lighter nuclei slam together to release positrons, neutrinos and gamma Thermonuclear reaction Stars fuse 4 H to He then He to C Proton – Proton cycles Fusion reactors use deuterium H-2 extreme high temperatures plasma contained by magnetic fields Massive stars fuse nuclei to elements as big as Fe then Supernova to produce all otter elements
The End Wait……………..There is more…………. Think of a branch of Physics that considers all forms of energy What is this fascinating subject? Astronomy! A Great way to shine Shine on Physicists!