INSTRUCTIONS FOR WU LIONS SUBMISSIONS All submissions must be received by Q1-Q2 submission - deadline Nov. 30 th Q3 submission – deadline Jan. 15 th Q4 submission – deadline February 29 th Teams are encouraged to use design template for submissions – while teams can alter template – please be sure that if you do you include all information outlined in template, submissions with missing information and with missing business/customer results will not be reviewed. Please fill out slide 9 in appendix - this will be the 1 pager that will be used for WU Lions ceremony if your program wins Measurement is a critical component of how submissions will be scored. See appendix (Slide 10) for the ideal process to be followed with GAI (the analytics team) and who the key contact/region/business line. Teams are encouraged to apply this process moving forward. For this submission, please engage your GAI contact as soon as possible. Measurement requests will be taken on a first come, first served basis and any requests less than 2 weeks before submission deadline may not be able to be supported. Please see appendix (Slide 11) for reminder of how submissions will be scored by category 2
Name of your project: Region: Country : Team: (up to 6 people Director & Below): Creative Agency Support: (PROFERO, MGB, BARBAR, ETC) GAI Team Support: Name(s) Submitted by: NAME All submissions must be received by Q1-Q2 submission - deadline Nov. 30 th Q3 submission – deadline Jan. 15 th Q4 submission – deadline February 29 th password : wulions
4 Program Description and Customer Insight/Action: 2-3 sentence summary description of what the program was about; including customer insight/opportunity based on research, customer data/analytics, etc, and what action taken based upon the insight ………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………… Describe strategy(s) and tactics activated: 2-3 sentence summary description ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………….... What were the planned outcomes/metrics and what results did we achieve. RESULTS SHOULD INCLUDE Absolutes in addition to any % increases in order to ensure relative size of impact is understood.Metric: Plan of XXXX, Results of YYYYMetric: Plan of XXXX, Results of YYYY Total Budget of Campaign $ X.XM
Creative Showcase – Slide #1 Instructions: Use this Slide to provide creative sampling, links to videos, etc of the campaign in market. Be Careful with size of creative/photos. Some simple instructions for reducing size of files 5 Right click, save as picture, save. Then click on insert (menu) and insert the new one 5MB24KB
Creative Showcase – Slide #2 Instructions: Use this Slide to provide creative sampling, links to videos, etc of the campaign in market. Follow Image size Instructions from previous slide 6
Creative Showcase – Slide #3 Instructions: Use this Slide to provide creative sampling, links to videos, etc of the campaign in market. Follow Image size Instructions from previous slide 7
name of THE project: XXXXXXregion/country: xxxxxx Team: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (up to 6 total – Director & Below) Creative Agency: XXX (i.e. Profero, BarBar)GAI Lead Support: XXXXXXX 9 Program Description & Customer Insight/Action taken: ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………… Strategy(s) and tactics activated: ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… Measurement: Metric: Plan of XXXX, Results of YYYY SPACE TO SHOWCASE CREATIVE PROGRAM 1 PAGER TO BE USED DURING WU LIONS CEREMONY IF SELECTED AS WINNER
GAI PARNTERS BY REGION & BUSINESS LINE Americas – Yash Kandyala, Europe – Vishal Jain, MEASAR (JC’s region) – Sriram Krishnamurthy, Digital – Kevin Palmer, WUBS – Mark Cianci Ideal engagement with your analytic partners for go-to-market activities Insight generationCopy testingMedia planningExecutionMeasurement Collaboration with GAI will help you… Identify Customer insights to drive strategy and segments to target Determine if additional data (analytics or research) is necessary to focus your strategy Formulate new ideas and thoughts Determine approach to copy/ad testing Leverage available, scalable tools Obtain rapid feedback – comparisons to normative data (shared learnings) Optimize media mix, customer / geo targeting and to improve your media efficiency Understand optimal media for your particular segment Monitor impact of actions to inform ‘in-flight’ changes that can enhance media efficiency (limited by data availability, easier digital that retail) Accurately measure the impact of your in market actions Ensure proper understanding of drivers (attribution) Confirm alignment on results Measurement Benefit at each step Allow your analytics partner to help you leverage the tools available for improving in market results Give you a preliminary measurement of your effectiveness! Ensure proper measurement approach is defined and agreed to Readout with clear agreement of the approach and scope of measurement
2015 Categories 1. BEST B2B ACQUISITION CAMPAIGN Best B2B campaign (WUBS, to Agent/FLA, Biller, etc) to drive customer acquisition 2. BEST C2C ACQUISITION CAMPAIGN Best C2C campaign to drive customer acquisition. 3. BEST B2B LOYALTY DRIVING CAMPAIGN Best B2B Loyalty driving campaign to drive Retention, RPC, TPC, etc 4. BEST C2C LOYALTY DRIVING CAMPAIGN Best C2C Loyalty driving campaign to drive Retention, RPC, TPC, etc. Does not need to be MyWU/Gold Card campaign. 5. BEST USE OF EARNED OR SHARED MEDIA Best use of Earned or Shared Media (i.e. PR, Social, etc) to drive business and/or customer impact. Can be either as part of integrated campaign or stand-alone 6. BEST USE OF INSIGHTS, ANALYTICS TO FUEL GROWTH (PRICING, MARKETING, CEX) Best use of Insights, analytics to identify and execute pricing, marketing or CEX efforts to fuel and deliver business growth 7. BEST BRAND REAPPRAISAL IMPACT Best campaign to drive Brand Reappraisal and Impact on the business. 8. BEST MOBILE/DIGITAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN Best Marketing campaign for Mobile and Digital channels to create business impact (acquisition, retention, engagement metrics, etc). Can be either as part of integrated campaign or stand-alone 9. BEST GLOBAL PUSH/PULL MARKETING IMPACT Best C2C campaign across Send and Receive Markets to create business impact (ie. Customer acquisition, Retention, etc) 10. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR - MOST TRANSFORMATIONAL INITIATIVE DRIVING BUSINESS IMPACT Best C2C or B2B initiative to drive business impact (ie. capability, program, campaign, etc)
Judging criteria for categories. Please note: metrics below are illustrative metrics that teams should be looking at including in their submissions. Metrics will vary by category and teams are not expected to report on all metrics if they aren’t relevant to the category your submitting Business & Customer Engagement Results (60%) Customer Insight (20%) Brand Alignment & Reappraisal (20%) All Metrics vs Plan/Objective Teams should show absolute on metrics in addition to any % growths to give relative scales/size of impact Suggested Metrics: Customer Acquisition Customer Retention Txn/Rev per customer Customer Registration, Leads CSAT, NPS improvements Brand Funnel and Brand affinity metric improvements PR/Media value Social Engagement Rate (likes, comments, shares) Social Followers Click thru rates Impressions Membership engagement metrics App/White paper/video downloads Application of customer research/Insight/analytics to drive business growth Etc Application of customer research, insight, analytics to fuel program Alignment with Brand promise and Experience Principals
Thank you!