Module 2: Using Pre-Assessment and Formative Assessment to Continually Assess Student Learning Good Spirit School Division
Module Outcomes To further develop and refine our concept of pre- assessment and formative assessment. To expand our ‘toolkits’ of pre-assessment and formative assessment strategies. To link the assessment processes to the Division UbD Unit Plan Template.
Give One Get One (Activating Prior Knowledge Activity) List five of your favourite pre-assessments and formative assessments that you use on a regular basis. Circulate throughout the room and share one of your ideas with a colleague (Give). After giving an idea, ask your colleague to share one of his/her ideas (Get). Find another colleague. “Give” that colleague an assessment and “get” one in return. Feel free to share ideas that you “get” in addition to your own list of assessments.
Assessment Processes Pre-Assessment : Before a lesson or unit to determine student learning and inform instruction. Formative Assessment : During lesson or unit to determine student learning and make changes to teaching or learning. Summative Assessment : At the end of lesson or unit to determine student learning and report level of achievement.
Pre-Assessment given at the start of a lesson or unit provides information on student learning use to plan instruction use to create instructional groups by readiness should not be marked or graded formal/informal strategies whole class or individual link to activating prior knowledge activities
Formative Assessment given during a unit of study provides information on student learning use to gather information about student progress use to make change to current instruction practices use to support students to make change to current learning processes should not be marked or graded (if returned to students use descriptive feedback) formal/informal strategies whole class or individual link to instructional activities
Assessment Strategies Consider the following when choosing a pre- assessment or formative assessment strategy: o Type of Assessment (pre-assessment or formative) o Purpose of Assessment (gather information on student learning, use to track student progress, or inform instruction) o Target of Assessment (individual or small group) o Learning Style (visual, auditory, and/or kinesthetic)
Assessment Strategies
Three Minute Pause (Formative Assessment Strategy) Divide into groups of 3 to 5. Discuss information presented during assessment module. o First - summarize main points o Second - make connections to personal experiences o Third - ask questions for further understanding Present two or three highlights from discussion to the rest of the group.