THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA On-going Process of Developing Global Indicators BY Ben Paul Mungyereza Uganda Bureau of Statistics IAEG/Uganda November 26, 2015 UGANDA BUREAU OF STATISTICS Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Contents Introduction - Agenda 2030 Objectives of the Bangkok IAEG Meeting Results of the Bangkok Meeting Further Electronic Discussions Achievements Conclusion Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Introduction At the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit on 25 September 2015, the 193 Member States of the United Nations unanimously adopted the for Sustainable Development with a theme: Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Agenda 2030, “ambitious and transformational vision” that builds on the MDGs to complete what was not achieved – “the unfinished business” Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Introduction Agenda 2030, Seeks to realize human rights of all – “leave no one behind” Achieve gender equality Empowerment of women and girls It is a Plan of action for people and planet Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Introduction With the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Member States agreed that “The global indicator framework, should be developed by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal (IAEG-SDG) Indicators”, would be agreed by the Statistical Commission by March 2016 and adopted thereafter by the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly, in line with the existing mandates Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Introduction According to its timeline, the IAEG-SDGs should have finalized its global indicator framework proposal by the end of November 2015, in time for the report to be submitted to the Commission. Therefore, the second meeting of the IAEG, held from October, aimed at reaching consensus on these indicator proposals. Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Introduction Based on the mandate given by the Member States, the framework to be proposed would be: simple, yet robust, and address all Sustainable Development Goals and targets, including the means of implementation. The indicators proposed are meant to preserve the political balance, integration and ambition contained in the framework. This meant that the global indicator framework would cover all targets. Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Objectives of the Bangkok Meeting (i)Review the list of possible global indicators (ii) Discuss the global indicator framework, inter-linkages across targets and critical issues including data disaggregation, and (iii)Discuss the work plan and next steps Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Results of the Bangkok Meeting The meeting came up with an overall agreed coded “Green” indicators 159 indicators were classified as “Green” for which the IAEG- SDGs reached general agreement. This was a result of interactive discussions by IAEG Members and the Observer Groups on the “Yellow” coded indicators that turned out green coded Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Results of the Bangkok Meeting However, some yellow coded indicators that turned out to be more controversial (with no general agreement reached), had to be coded “grey” for further discussions at a later stage An open electronic consultation platform on the proposed SDG Indicators that were coded as "green" was launched in November 2015, o specifically to receive additional comments on these indicators coded as "green" Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Further Electronic Platform Consultations The final consultation on ‘green’ indicators with observers and other stakeholders was open until 9 th November All the consolidated comments were considered and a final round of consultation started with IAEG member-states ended on 25 th November 2015 Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Further Electronic Platform Consultations Audio conference with members of the IAEG-SDGs on 16 Nov 2015, to discuss: Results of the consultation on the additional indicators under Goal 17 and indicators 3.9 and 9.5 Discussion on indicator (The conclusions of the meeting discussion on this indicator were not clear) Reaching general agreement on all "green" indicators Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Further Electronic Platform Consultations Work stream on data disaggregation Work plan for "grey" indicators Statistical Commission report and other business Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA 12/16/2015Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤ 14 Contributions by Africa IAEG-SDG member countries Met twice: 30 August – 2 September 2015 and October 2015 to prepare and submit joint input to the global set of indicators two times Only continent to submit a joint proposal Excellent contribution in Bangkok African contribution highly appreciated in Bangkok Majority of the proposals from Africa accepted
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Next Steps o Need to continue to maintain an unified approach as far as practicable keeping in view the diverse needs of the countries o Set up a mechanism of consultation between IAEG-SDG member countries and other non-member countries o Engage in development of metadata on global indicators Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Next Steps cont’d… o Identify the data gaps for the proposed global set of indicators and continue to work for strengthening and harmonizing the statistical systems in the countries o Pan-African Institutions and other UN agencies should continue to support the process Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤