François WAKENHUT Head of Nature and Biodiversity Unit, DG Environment European Commission Training on Biodiversity Policy and Practice 1 st of June 2010
Convention on Biological Diversity Objective 1: Conservation of biodiversity Objective 2: Sustainable use of its components Objective 3: Fair and equitable sharing of benefits out of the use of genetic resources Ongoing negotiations on an international ABS instrument (Protocol) Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
Parties to the CBD Only Andorra, Holy See and the United States of America have not ratified the Convention.
Implementation of the CBD: Action at national level CBD national governmen t national laws integration into other areas National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) conservation initiatives national reports goals and obligations
2010 timeline: the International Year of Biodiversity 3 rd and final meeting of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), Busan, Korea, 7-11 June CITES COP-15 Doha, Qatar, March CBD SBSTTA and WGRI Nairobi, Kenya, May United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Biodiversity, NYC, 22 September CBD COP-10, Nagoya, Japan, October Close of IYB and contribution to the International Year of Forests, Kanazawa, Japan
Heads of State level Core issues: Framing the post-2010 biodiversity strategy Ensuring the means of implementation Deriving benefits from biodiversity for development and poverty alleviation Ensuring mutual supportiveness of biodiversity and climate change objectives UNGA High Level Meeting, 22 September
Key issues for Nagoya ABS Protocol Financing CBD Strategic Plan Vision [2020]Mission 5 strategic goals + 20 targets