François WAKENHUT Head of Nature and Biodiversity Unit, DG Environment European Commission Training on Biodiversity Policy and Practice 1 st of June 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

François WAKENHUT Head of Nature and Biodiversity Unit, DG Environment European Commission Training on Biodiversity Policy and Practice 1 st of June 2010

Convention on Biological Diversity Objective 1: Conservation of biodiversity Objective 2: Sustainable use of its components Objective 3: Fair and equitable sharing of benefits out of the use of genetic resources Ongoing negotiations on an international ABS instrument (Protocol) Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

Parties to the CBD  Only Andorra, Holy See and the United States of America have not ratified the Convention.

Implementation of the CBD: Action at national level CBD national governmen t national laws integration into other areas National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) conservation initiatives national reports goals and obligations

2010 timeline: the International Year of Biodiversity 3 rd and final meeting of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), Busan, Korea, 7-11 June CITES COP-15 Doha, Qatar, March CBD SBSTTA and WGRI Nairobi, Kenya, May United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Biodiversity, NYC, 22 September CBD COP-10, Nagoya, Japan, October Close of IYB and contribution to the International Year of Forests, Kanazawa, Japan

Heads of State level Core issues:  Framing the post-2010 biodiversity strategy  Ensuring the means of implementation  Deriving benefits from biodiversity for development and poverty alleviation  Ensuring mutual supportiveness of biodiversity and climate change objectives UNGA High Level Meeting, 22 September

Key issues for Nagoya ABS Protocol Financing CBD Strategic Plan Vision [2020]Mission 5 strategic goals + 20 targets