Objective ATC 02.2 ESSIP Plan 2013 Ingrid FEIJT DSS/EIPR
ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ATC Comprehensive Explanation (1/2) Implementation of ground-based Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) safety net ECAC – wide applicable Requires implementation by all ATC units that provide surveillance (= radar) services to General Air Traffic (GAT) within En-route airspace, in the Terminal Area (TMA) and or Control Zone (CTR). Military applicability: The Objective is applicable to military ANSPs that provide radar service to GAT traffic (Note: currently there are 8 MIL ANSPs across the ECAC region).
Comprehensive Explanation (2/2) STCA checks the extrapolated track positions based on radar data (current track position) and performs a linear extrapolation using the detected ground speed and predicts or establishes an actual conflict between a/c. A conflict is declared if a/c tracks are separated less than the minimum separation thresholds. Some Flight Plan (FP) data like Cleared Flight Level (CFL) can be used to suppress false alarms. STCA requires appropriate presentation of predicted/actual conflicts to the tactical controllers and ATC supervisor. ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ATC 02.23
Link to European ATM Master Plan [CM-0801] – Ground Based Safety Nets (TMA, En Route) ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ATC 02.24
Most important SLoA(s) ASP01 “Implement STCA systems and associated procedures in line with EUROCONTROL Specification and related guidance material in En-Route airspace, applicable TMAs and Military ATC units providing radar services.” ASP03 “Develop safety assessment for the changes, notably ATC systems and procedures that will implement STCA – level 2 functionality and associated procedures.” together with: REG01 “Conduct safety oversight of changes. Verify that a safety assessment is conducted and review the safety assessment report before acceptance.” ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ATC
Finalisation Criteria & Closed Questions REG01 – The introduction of the change into service was accepted and a notification of acceptance has been provided to the ANSP. ASP01 – STCA function is implemented, documented and in operational use. ASP03 – The Safety Assessment report including safety arguments for the changes has been delivered to the NSA and a notification of acceptance was received. STCA implemented at ACC level? STCA implemented in all TMAs / Towers within CTRs that provide radar services? STCA parameters tuned to the operational environment (traffic, suppression of alarm in pre-defined areas, look-ahead time, warning time)? Safety assessment done and accepted by NSA? Notification of acceptance received from NSA? ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ATC 02.26
Supporting Material EUROCONTROL Specification for Short Term Conflict Alert, updated Edition 1.1, dated May 2009 EC-Regulation (EU) No 1034/2011 of 17 October 2011 on safety oversight in air traffic management and air navigation services and amending Regulation (SU) No 691/2010 EC-Regulation (EU) No 1035/2011 of 17 October 2011 laying down common requirements for the provision of air navigation services and amending Regulations (EC) No 481/2008 and (EU) No 691/2010. Relevant ESARR documents Safety assessment methods ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ATC 02.27
ESSIP Report 2012 18 States reported LATE. Implementation delays / not achieved due to: implementation of a new ATC System Implementation and/or validation/verification of STCA before putting into operation delayed Implementation of STCA in TMA area delayed Need to implement STCA to avoid impact on safety and achievement of expected safety benefits ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ATC 02.28
Contacts Objective Coordinator: FEIJT, Ingrid DNM Objective Expert(s): BAKKER, Ben DROZDOWSKI, Stanislaw ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ATC 02.29