Kewford Eagles Codes of Conduct
Introduction With the continual growth of Kewford Eagles Football Club, we are committed to self regulatory codes of conduct to promote integrity and responsible practice. The following codes of conduct are for parents, players, managers and coaches, and for the website itself. Please take time to read and appreciate their contents. All are subject to alteration and amendment.
Code of Conduct - for parents towards children Remember that children play organised sports for their own fun, not to entertain you Never ridicule or scold a child for making a mistake Do not force an unwilling child to play Teach your child that honest effort is always important, as much as victory Turn defeat to victory by helping your child to work towards skill improvement and sportsmanship Remember children learn best by good example Encourage players to always play to the rules
Code of Conduct - for parents towards all officials, managers & coaches. Be on your best behaviour. Do not use abusive language or harass coaches or officials Recognise the value and importance of volunteer coaches Show respect for team opponents, and applaud good play by own team and opposition Condemn the use of violence in all forms, and fully support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse Respect officials decisions, and do not publicly question the officials' judgement and honesty Abide by any rules and regulations concerning the pitches and any facilities provided Listen and understand any instructions given by the manager/coach, concerning drop off and pick up times for games/training, to ensure your childs safety
Code of Conduct - for parents towards the club Ensure that players club subscriptions are paid in full. The Club annually reviews the amount to be paid On leaving the club, parents must ensure that all equipment is returned and any monies outstanding paid in full Any grievances should be brought to a member of the executive committee, whose decision is final
Code of Conduct - for players (1) Play by the laws of the game, the rules of the FA, the rules of the league, and of any competition Accept all decisions of the manager, the coach and of any match officials without question or protest Accept success/failure/victory/defeat with good grace and without excessive displays of emotion Do not unfairly criticise, disagree with, belittle or discredit any player of the club Never use foul, offensive or abusive language including racist or sexist language, or insulting gestures Abide by any rules and regulations as determined by their individual club
Code of Conduct - for players (2) Be punctual for training and for matches in accordance with managers and coaches instructions Inform the manager/coach if unable to train or attend matches. Failure to do so will be dealt with Do not abuse or lose any equipment or facilities provided, e.g. nets, corner flags, dressing rooms, balls, etc. Wear the clothing/equipment provided by the Club and/or Club sponsors to create the correct image
Code of Conduct - for managers and coaches (1) Respect the rights, dignity and worth of each person, treating each equally in the context of sport Place the well-being and safety of each player above all other considerations, including performance Adhere to the guidelines laid down within the constitution and the rules of the FA Develop an appropriate working relationship with each player based on trust and respect Do not exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward Encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance
Code of Conduct - for managers and coaches (2) Ensure that the activities they direct are appropriate for the age, ability and experience of the players Clarify at the outset with parents what is expected of them, and what they should expect from the coach Ensure that players and parents of players new to the Club have proper induction into Club policy and code of conduct Promote the Code of Conduct to players, parents and spectators alike Never condone behaviour contrary to the spirit of the laws of the game Consistently display high standards of behaviour, and be a role model for players, parents and spectators
Code of Conduct - relating to the website (1) Do not use vulgar, discriminatory or inappropriate language Do not cause discomfort for other people using or reading the website Be both discreet and factual with the content of your articles Give a balanced view of the game when entering a match report Provide positive comments to opponents and match officials wherever possible
Code of Conduct - relating to the website (2) Do not use the site as a forum for your own personal agenda Give priority to the interests of the team over individual interests Show respect to all players from all teams, the coaches and match officials Never enter any personal details of any player onto any part of the site Remember you are responsible and liable for the articles and information you post onto the site
For Further Information…… Visit the Kewford Website Here you will find out about Kewford Eagles Football Club, our Codes of Conduct and what we stand for. Or, send an to where a member of our team will personally answer any question you may have regarding the
Kewford Eagles Your Number One Official Charter Standard Community Club