KARE Provides Services to Children and Adults with an Intellectual Disability Over Three Counties Voluntary Organisation Majority of funding provided by the State
SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT Supported Employment is defined as the opportunity for people with a disability or other marginalised groups to gain and maintain a paid job of their choice in the open labour market.
Supported Employment in KARE In operation since people in paid jobs of their choice in the open labour market Legal Minimum wage or higher Four strands in operation. 1. Work Experience 2. Job Sampling 3. Supported Employment 4. Open Employment 5. Internships (Project SEARCH)
SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT GUIDING PRINCIPLES Individuality- each person is unique with own choices and preferences Respect- SE is always age appropriate, dignifying and enhancing Self Determination- promotes the principle of Self Advocacy Informed Choice- assists to understand opportunities and the consequences of their choices Empowerment- Individuals are at the centre of the decision making and the planning Confidentiality- Information about the individual remains in the control of the individual
SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT GUIDING PRINCIPLES Flexibility- Staff and organised structures change according to the needs of the individuals. Accessibility- Services and facilities are fully accessible and all information likewise.
Supported Employment 5 Stage Model 1. Engagement 2. Vocational Profiling 3. Job Finding 4. Employer Engagement 5. On-going Support
Supported Employment in Ireland National Supported Employment Programme ( State Funded) Individual Supported Employment Programmes run by agencies such as KARE (mainly Intellectual Disability Services)
SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT IN IRELAND National Programme 24 Regional Consortia Teams of Job Coaches plus Manager and Secretarial Support Other Agency Programmes Health Service Executive Voluntary Organisations Sheltered Workshops/Day Centres
DEVELOPING SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT IN POLAND KARE is a proud member of both the Irish association of Supported Employment and the European Union of Supported Employment. KARE was delighted to facilitate introductions with our Polish Partners with the EUSE Work has commenced in relation to the establishing of the Polish arm of the EUSE.
DEVELOPING SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT IN POLAND There are many Models of Employment Supports for People with Disabilities but only ONE Model of Supported Employment
Next Step Project Main findings of the NextStep project A Leonardo Da Vinci partnership Peter Furlong
Partners Work Research Institute, Oslo, Norway (coordinator) Universidad de Salamanca. Instituto Universitario de Integración en la Comunidad, Salamanca, Spain University of Lapland, Finland Welsh Centre for Learning Disabilities, Cardiff, UK Northern Ireland Union of Supported Employment, Belfast, UK Optima arbeidslivsmestring Grete Wangen, Oslo, Norway Salva Vita Foundation, Budapest, Hungary Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszaw, Poland KARE - Promoting Inclusion for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Newbridge, Ireland Misa AB, Solna, Sweden Kiipula Foundation / Vocational Rehabilitation Centre, Turenki, Finland
The Process The aim of the project is to identify how the 5-stage process for Supported Employment works as a model since it was developed as a standard by the EUSE in The aim is to examine the process looking at its implementation in various local, regional, and national settings. To examine the strengths and weaknesses of the 5 stage model after 5 years in operation. To identify lessons learnt and the exchange of experiences and the identification of improvement procedures.
What happened The steering group was a representation of practitioners and researchers. Each practitioner carried out a case study of the implementation of the 5 stage supported employment project in their country describing: The organization and resources of any agency acting as a case study. The processes operating in relation to the 5-stage supported employment model The client groups and employers served in the case study. The work and personal outcomes delivered for the clients and employers involved in the case study. The national and local policies and legal frameworks that underpin the success of the case study. Final Case Studies will be presented in Budapest
Further Information on Next Step http;//