MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Developing common European modules on migrants health and poverty The Healthy And Wealthy Together Project Overview of the project Quartiers en Crise-European Regeneration Areas Network
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Introduction This project is financed by the INTI programme implemented by Directorate General of Freedom, Security and Justice. INTI’s purpose is to facilitate the integration of third country nationals into European societies, in accordance with the Common Basic Principles for immigrant integration policy in the European Union, by: Enhancing the capacity of Member States to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate all integration strategies, policies and measures Exchanging information, best practice and co-operation in and between Member States.
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February General Context 2010 will be the Year against poverty and social exclusion. The European Commission has announced a series of actions to help Member States and other actors tackle the gaps in health and wealth which exist between and within countries in the EU where 78 million people live in poverty. Health, Poverty and Social Exclusion are strongly inter-related concepts. Health is not only the absence of disease but a state of complete physical, mentaland social well-being. Everyone coming to Europe should benefit from high level of protection of their health in different aspect. The health of the population is critical to economic performance. Net migration into Europe is increasing, and is now the largest component of population change. From IOM organization, the number of migrant population in Europe in 2010 will be 69,8 million. 9,8% of the area's population.
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February EU Approach to Health and Migration Member States are responsible for resources and management of health services and medical care. EU must ensure a high level of health protection in all EU policies and activities. Access to health and preventive care a fundamental right. For legally-residing third country nationals same health care access as for EU nationals, whilst for illegally-residing emergency and necessary health care only. Add value through work with Member States and stakeholders on development and sharing of good practice. EU Mechanisms and Tools to support this approach. Communications on “Together for Health: A Strategic Approach for the EU ” and on “Health Inequalities.”
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Initiatives on Health and Migration in the EU Council Conclusions: Under the Portugal Presidency in 2007, Council adopted Conclusions on health and migration ( Reaffirmed Member States commitments to provide for the health needs of migrants, noting the need to improve access to health care systems for migrants; to improve information and sharing of good practice and to build partnerships to address migrant health issues. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control have related studies. As part of follow-up to conclusions, number of projects are also supported (see e.g. Migrant and Ethnic Health Observatory (MEHO).
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February September 2005: Communication ‘A Common Agenda for Integration - Framework for the Integration of Third-Country Common Basic Principles EU for the integration of third-country nationals 1.Two way process 2. Respect of EU basic values 3. Employment 4. Knowledge of host society's language, history and institutions 5. Education 6. Access to institutions, goods and services. Non discrimination 7. Interaction between immigrants and MS citizens 8. Inter-cultural and inter-religion dialogue 9. Participation 10. Indicators
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Migration trends Migration flows have shifted in recent years with changing poles of attraction for labour migration. There are 214 million estimated international migrants in the world today. Foreign citizens constitute 6.2% of the EU-27 population (1Jan08) 30.8 million foreign citizens lived in the EU27 Member States, of which 11.3 million were citizens of another EU-27 Member state. The remaining 19.5 million were citizens of countries outside the EU-27 (third country nationals), of which 6.0 million were citizens of other European countries, 4.7 million of Africa, 3.7 million of Asia and 3.2 million of the American continent. Largest numbers were in Germany (7.3 million persons), Spain (5.3 million), United (4.0 million), France (3.7 million) and Italy (3.4 million). More than 75%of the foreign citizens in EU- 27 lived in these Member States. Highest percentage of foreign citizens was found in Luxembourg (43% of the total population), followed by Latvia (18%), Estonia (17%), Cyprus (16%), Ireland (13%), Spain (12%) and Austria (10%). Foreign citizens percentage in Romania, Poland, Bulgaria and Slovakia is less than 1%
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Objectives for the Call General objective: support the efforts made by MS in enabling third-country nationals of different backgrounds to fulfil the conditions of residence and to facilitate their integration into European societies. Specific objectives for the Fund : Facilitation of the development and implementation of admission procedures and integration process of third-country nationals; Development and implementation of this process in MS; Increasing of the capacity of MS to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate policies and measures for their integration; Exchange of information, best practices and cooperation in and between Member States for the integration of third-country nationals.
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February The implementation of the EU framework for the integration of third-country nationals: Supportive EU mechanisms to cooperate and exchange good practice include: The network of National Contact Points (from 2003) Handbooks on Integration for Policy-Makers and Practitioners (2004, 2007) Annual Reports on Immigration and Integration (2004, 2006,2007) Integration Website ( European Integration Forum (met twice so far) Integrating Cities process (Rotterdam 2006, Milan 2007, Berlin 2009) European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (€825M over period 2007 to 2013) Project “Healthy and Wealthy Together” selected, aims to identify and develop tools and good practice modules in addressing the issues of poverty and health inequalities among migrants.
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Objectives of the project H & W The overall goal of this project is to identify and develop tools and good practice modules in addressing the issue of poverty and health inequalities among migrants.
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Three specific objectives: 1. To promote mutual learning and exchange of best practices and measures to diffuse at European, national,regional and local levels in relation to migrants' poverty and health inequalities. 2. To elaborate recommendations and operative conclusions targeted at European, national, regional and local stakeholders. 3. To support partners to develop local action plans.
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Activity I- Establish 8 Local Action Groups What is it? LAG = vehicle for local/regional experience = capital for Peer Reviews Workshops (Activity II) In order to build a local forum to establish a thematic exchange network of public and private local actors working with or for migrants around the issue of health and poverty. Why? To present local practice To review the strategy and practice of the host locality
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Who? A Local forum should be composed a group Representatives from: - Migrants associations - Healthcare professional - Local politicians - 0ther involved stakeholders What is their role? - Participate in the mapping exercise - Participate in the Peer Reviews - Present local practice - Review the strategy and practice of the host locality. Each local Forum will undertake a local mapping in order to identify three most relevant issues in the field of Migrants health and poverty that have to dealt with their location.
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Activity II- Three Transnational Peer Reviews, Exchange & Development What is it? Transnational Exchange Programme will be built upon the findings of partners' local mappings. It will consist of Three Transnational Workshops supported by external experts where good practices, experiences and policies will be exchanged between the representatives of Local Forums, and of an on-line interactive platform. Each peer review will focus on one of the 3 themes identified by the project Who? - Partners members + External experts
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Activity III- Local Online Platforms What is it? The Online Interactive Platform can have different natures, Blogs, chats, individual profiles (Qec live) It will serve as a tool for ongoing communication, ideas sharing and a continuously growing database. The online database will provide access to relevant documentation and organisations. It will contain: -A series of reports linked to each theme of the Transnational Peer Review Workshops -Related case studies -Notes of meetings of LSG’s -Professional profiles of each participant to facilitate networking -Links to key publications and other relevant websites.
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Outputs: what we will produce 3 online publications At least 20 good practice case studies documented and at least 30 relevant documents and links to relevant organisations 80 participants in transnational workshop program 120 participants involved in the programme of online support activities
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Budget Overview TOTAL COST: ,00 EU CONTRIBUTION: ,00 (80%) PARTNER CONTRIBUTION: ,00 CASH FOR EACH PARTNER: Staffing OR co-ordination activities (Partner to decide) LOCAL CO-ORDINATOR: ,00 Local Activities: LOCAL MAPPING: 6.000,00
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Partnership LEAD Project: Camara Municipal Amadora: Jorge MirandaPT Supported by: QeC-ERAN, Haroon SaadBE Project Coordinator – Giulia Cantaluppi Project assistant – Nicolas Hauw Partners: Exfini Poli, Mary Krimnianioti EL University of Birmingham, Jenny PhillimoreUK Municipality of Milan, Antonella ColomboIT Belfast City Council, Leslie Boydell UK Municipality of Roquetas de Mar, Tamara Hodas ES Réseau Samdarra: Halima Zeroug-VialFR Province of Piacenza, Anna PirilloIT
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Timetable Official start date of the project:..... Duration of the project: 18 months AGENDA FIRST 9 MONTHS 2010 First Steering group meetingsFebruary Local Support Groups establishedMarch Local Mapping report producedApril First Peer review exange workshopMay Transnational Community of practice Online programme of support activities June/ September First Common Module ReportOctober
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION First Steering Group Meeting 4/5 February Thank you! eran.org Statistiques and EU dates : Stephen DAVIES, European Commission, DGJLS