Фонд «РЖС» Principal auction terms and conditions Address Tyumen Region, Tyumenski District, Moskovskoye Municipal Entity (72:17: :2638) Leasehold value (starting price) 26,786,000 (twenty-six million seven hundred eighty-six thousand) rubles, 18% VAT inclusive Price increment 1,000,000 (one million) rubles Lease payment The first 4 (four) quarters (grace period) 61,808,358 (sixty-one million eight hundred and eight thousand three hundred fifty-eight) rubles 11 kopecks per year, 18% VAT inclusive Commencing from the 5 th (fifth) quarter (main period): 132,446,481 (one hundred thirty-two million four hundred forty-eight thousand four hundred eighty-one) rubles 66 kopecks per year, 18% VAT inclusive Redemption of land upon expiration of the lease contract* 2,692,154 (two million six hundred ninety-two thousand one hundred fifty-two) rubles 60 kopecks, VAT exempt. Land plots area585,251 sq. m Land plots lease period8 (eight) years Maximum time frame for development of the area planning design and parcel plan 1 (one) year Maximum time frame for construction of the utility infrastructure facilities 8 (eight) years Maximum time frame for housing construction and other construction 8 (eight) years * Redemption can occur at any stage of land development after approval of the area planning design and parcel plan and the formation of new land plots. Common areas and land plots under residential buildings with apartments registered under the civilian ownership are irredeemable.
Фонд «РЖС» Comfortable payment plan Comfortable payment plan assumes an optimal ratio of the three components of the land fee: 1. On the basis of the appraisal carried out in accordance with the Russian legislation on appraisal activity, the starting fee value for the right to conclude the Russian Housing Development Foundation land plot lease contract has been determined, and its final value shall be determined during the auction; 2. Lease payments are distributed over the entire construction period so that from the date of signing of the land plots acceptance certificate the first four quarters have the halved size of the lease payments for the land plots, the right to conclude a lease contract for which has been purchased at auction (hereinafter referred to as the land plots ) or the land plots in the event of their formation as a result of land plot surveying in accordance with the planning design (hereinafter referred to as the formed land plots). Part of the lease payments on which reduced grace period payment is applied is evenly distributed over all the following years of land plots or formed land plots lease after the grace period and before the end of the area development. 3. The formed land plots repurchase price has been determined in accordance with the rates for land plots from land owned by the central or local government approved by the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Formed land plots lease agreements will be terminated after commissioning of the facilities built on them during the implementation of measures for the land plots integrated development for purposes of housing construction. Thus, while maintaining an annual lease rate, the volume of lease payments will be subject to change progressively with respect to area development.