Furniture Styles Housing I 5.01
Furniture Facts To be legally classified as an antique the furniture piece needs to be 100 years old. Eclectic style is mixing different furniture styles from different time periods.
Queen Anne Named after Queen Anne of England who reigned from It is characterized by cabriole leg: a curved leg with out-curved knee and incurved ankle. The foot may be a club, a claw-and-ball, a paw or scroll, and there may be a carved ornament on the knee such as the scallop shell or the lion motif
Cabriole Leg
Japanning was a popular varnish used that gave the surface of the furniture a glossy black or any other color finish.
Two popular chair styles copied today that were used: Wing Chair (upholstered) Windsor Chair (non-upholstered).
Slat back ChairsDesk
Wingback ChairChair
Windsor Chair with slats
Thomas Chippendale Cabinet maker Thomas Chippendale, published his furniture designs in a book "The Gentleman and Cabinet Maker's Director" in The Chippendale style can be classified into three types: French influence, Chinese influence, and Gothic influence.
In the United States, the Chippendale style was a more elaborate development of the Queen Anne style with cabriole legs and claw and ball foot. A well known piece of Chippendale furniture is the camelback sofa.
Chair with claw-ball foot and intricate carved back Foot stool
Claw and ball leg/foot
Chippendale had many ornate and elaborately carved pieces.
Later years showed the style with straight legs and a Chinese influence
Camel-back sofas
Marcel Breuer (Bauhaus) Group of German designers in early 1900s. Philosophy was “Form follows function” meaning that furniture should be designed for the purpose intended. Marcel Breuer designs became known as International Style and continue to be produced today
Furniture used Chrome-plated tubing for support Seats and backs were made of canvas, wood, cane, or leather
Breuer’s designs Wassily chair (1925) Cesca chair (1928)
Designs cont….. Aluminum chaise,
Frank Lloyd Wright Created the ORGANIC style. Designed to complement natural surroundings. Believed that furniture should fit easily and naturally into the home. Furniture was created specifically for each home. Furniture was geometric shapes and flat surfaces
Wright’s Furniture
Falling Water 1936
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