Global Warming Global warming, also known as the greenhouse effect is the warming of earth due to pollution. The Earth's temperature has been rising by 1° for one hundred years.
Pros With out global warming the earth would be a very cold and stuck in a constant winter. It also gives scientists jobs to research it.
Cons As the earth heats up there would be less winter and the polar ice caps melt witch causes oceans to rise. A lot of towns near the oceans would be destroyed and flooded.
Our Opinion Our opinion is that we need to stop hurting the atmosphere. We have to be using less electrical items and learn to live without as much use of those appliances and mechanical devices.
Bibliography obalwarming/kids/ obalwarming/kids/ 1_3_1.htm org/ ory/story.php?storyId= &sourceCode=gaw
The End By Andrew N, Todd J, and Jake A