VERONICA M. GODSHALK FRANK M. SOROKACH LESLIE I. WOLFE The Use of Social Media in Project Management
Defining Social Media Wikipedia Definition: “A group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user- generated content.” Based on this definition Google Docs would be considered social media.
Defining Social Media Webopedia Definition: “… describe any Web site that enables users to create public profiles within that Web site and form relationships with other users of the same Web site who access their profile.” Based on this definition, Google Docs would not be considered social media.
Why Use Social Media in Project Management for Higher Education?
Why Use Social Media? Projects, by nature, are social efforts (Ollus et al.) Cross functional teams Virtual teams Social media has widespread use in higher education, especially for project applications.
Why Use Social Media? Project Management is evolving Agile Management Project Management 2.0 Social Project Management Flexibility and collaboration are competitive advantages - teach these skills.
Why Use Social Media? Empowers students and increases student autonomy (Li 2012) Streamlines communication “Crowdsource Information” (Klynstra 2012) Search functionality
Why Use Social Media? Traditional reasons: Build a community, manage relationships Communicate quickly, deliver real-time news Deliver material in an engaging way to generate ideas Create a flexible space Enhance visibility and transparency
Examples of Platforms
Social Media Rorschach Test We will perform a test that will highlight the difficulty in determining what web resources are truly considered social media websites.
Three Verification Resources We Will Use: Alexa Internet eBizMBA Social Media Today
Three Verification Resources Alexa Internet - Ranking algorithm which is based on Internet traffic. eBizMBA - A guide that identifies Internet resources for eBusiness development. Social Media Today - Independent online resource for professionals in marketing and other disciplines that involved social media.
Social Media Websites
Twitter: LinkedIn: Google Platform: YouTube: Facebook: ✔✔✔ AlexaeBizMBASocialMediaToday ✔✔✔ AlexaeBizMBASocialMediaToday ✔✔✔ AlexaeBizMBASocialMediaToday ✔✔✔ AlexaeBizMBASocialMediaToday ✔ XX AlexaeBizMBASocialMediaToday
Wordpress: Trello: Basecamp: Wikipedia: ✔ XX AlexaeBizMBASocialMediaToday XXX AlexaeBizMBASocialMediaToday XXX AlexaeBizMBASocialMediaToday XXX AlexaeBizMBASocialMediaToday
Social Media Rorschach Test Results Commonly accepted websites like Facebook and LinkedIn are easily identified as social media. Some sites have function like social media, but are not universally identified as such. Therefore, today, Social Media is in the eye of the beholder.
What These Really Are… Web 2.0 Technologies… which incorporate ways to work in a social manner… effectively Project Management 2.0!
How to Use Social Media in Project Management
Trello Platform Trusted by millions of people from all over the world, Trello is the easy, free, flexible, and visual way to manage your projects and organize anything. Cost: Free or Pay Versions Available
Trello Platform
Benefits of using the Trello platform: Excellent for task-based activity and tracking Allows tracking of sequential activity s participants about updated activity Permits attachment of multimedia files Tasks can be moved among participants Everything is self-contained in the platform
Google Platform Google Drive offers free Google online storage, so you can keep photos, stories, designs, drawings, recordings, videos – anything. Google Docs brings your documents to life with smart editing and styling tools to help you easily format text and paragraphs. Choose from hundreds of fonts, add links, images, and drawings. Google Hangouts for video/audio meetings, sharing screens and documents. Cost: Free
Google Platform Superior tool for peer editing Allows for simultaneous document development by multiple parties Browser-based and file-based for your computer, phone, tablet
Google Platform
Can be used to track changes Excellent for asynchronous project development Live chat capabilities notifications to alert you when an update has occurred
Google Platform Highlighting the Benefits of Google Applications
Google Platform Benefits of using the Google platform: Allows for varied file types (spreadsheets, documents, and presentations) amongst many users Realtime update of content Multiple communication channels Version control Revision history - previous revisions can be reinstated Time/date stamped
Yammer Platform Yammer is a social network that’s entirely focused on business. Users must have an active Penn State address. You can also create external networks to allow non-employees, such as suppliers and customers, to communicate with your company. Cost: Free
Yammer Application
Sites At Penn State Sites at Penn State gives students, faculty, and staff the ability to build websites, blogs, and portfolios, free and easily. It is powered by WordPress, an open-source web publishing platform supported by thousands of contributors around the world. Cost: Free Cost: Free or Pay Versions Available
BSBIC Badge Sites at PSU Application
Adobe Connect/Meetings at PSU Meetings at Penn State ( gives students, faculty, and staff the ability to meet with audio, video and document sharing capabilities. It is powered by Adobe Connect, an application that Penn State has invested in and made available to employees. Cost: Free to PSU employees
Adobe Connect Application
Basecamp Basecamp keeps people on the same page. No matter what your role is, everyone works toward a common goal: finishing a project together. Cost: $20 per Month for 10 Projects
Basecamp includes To Do lists
Basecamp as Communication network
Recommendations for Success using Social Media in PM 1.Training 2.Personal or professional tone? 3.Content sensitivity 4.Control access to platforms 5.Technology & other Accessibility issues 6.Documents an archive of projects, procedures
References media-sites-and-apps Social_Networking
References Klynstra, Michael. “Social Media Meets Project Management.” Geneca. Aug 21, Li, Xiaoli. "Weaving Social Media into a Business Proposal Project." Business Communication Quarterly, 2012, 75.1, Ollus, M., Jansson, K., Karvonen, I., Uoti, M. & Riikonen, H. “Supporting Collaborative Project Management.” Production Planning & Control, 2011, 22:5-6,