Name, Cand No: #### Project Title Introduction For my controlled assessment project I will be using the following context… Exam board Context Copy and paste the context you will be using from the powerpoint Detailed description of the problem Describe IN DETAIL what problem you are trying to solve, why the problem exists, how big a problem is it etc Market research data Get data to prove that the problem exists and how many people / product there are (related to your context) AND/OR get quotations that prove/support your context and put them in italic with “” marks MAKE SURE YOU REFERENCE THE WEB ADDRESS WHERE YOU FOUND THE INFO E.G. ( info.html) User Groups / Target Market Detail the type of person who would have this particular problem: Age, Gender, Social group, interests,
Start with the words: To design and make a…. Say What will it be Say Who will use it & BUY it Say Why do they need it Say When will it be used Say Where will it be used DO NOT use bullet points, a Design Brief should be in full sentences. Existing Products: (list possible products) End User / Target Market opinions: (how will you find this out?) Technical Data: (what sizes, weights, and other info do you need to know?) System Block Diagram: (Possible Inputs, Processes, Outputs) Name, Cand No: #### Project Title
QUESTIONNAIRE: Finding information about the Target Market In order to design a successful product, a designer must know as much as possible about the target market. You need to write a MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONNAIRE, that you will ask to 15 people, that includes the following information: Introduction: Say who you are, what your project is and why you need their help. Be polite Demographic: (5 questions) Who is your market? Age, Gender, Social Group, Interests, Situation: (5 questions) What is their current situation regarding your design context? Do they have the problem you have described? Do they own a similar product? Opinions: (5 questions) What would they want your product to be like? Function, Size, Cost, Features, Durability, Materials, Environment etc Please Note: Your Questionnaire will be written in Microsoft WORD on A4 paper but you must include one copy of the questions in your main folder
Name, Cand No: #### Project Title There are no marks for simply writing a questionnaire. It is the analysis of the data that is most important For at least 8 of (the most relevant) questions, use Excel to produce graphs to show the results of your Questionnaire Write 3 sentences next to each graph 1.Say what the graph shows 2.Say why that is important for YOUR PROJECT 3.Say how that will affect what YOU WILL DESIGN Example: This graph shows the things that my target market will find important when buying a product like this. From this information I can see that cost features as most important but the other features are important too. I will try to design my product to be as inexpensive as possible but try not to compromise on size features and durability Say why that is important for YOUR PROJECT Say how that will affect what YOU WILL DESIGN What the graph shows
Name, Cand No: #### Project Title Get photos and info on 4 or more products that are available that do a similar thing to what yours will do Look at what they are used for, what your user would want from them; materials, components, cost, construction, manufacture, finish etc Black and blue plastic construction. Injection moulded ABS in two halves. This is for durability and ease of manufacture. The cost of this product is £ This is an appropriate price for my target market as it is affordable but enough to expect a quality durable product. This product functions as infra red emitter AND receiver meaning there is no need for an additional target. My target market would prefer a separate target to make it a more enjoyable game. The finish of this product is likely to be the self coloured have a texture applied to the surface to aid grip and prevent scratching. This would improve durability and therefore be good for my target market The size and weight. Of this product is handheld and a standard pistol type gun size. This will be easy to store and transport and will not be heavy to play with for my target market These guns include a scope on top to aid the aim. They are styled to NOT be realistic but in a futuristic or toy style. They are brightly coloured and interesting to look at. This is good for my target market.
Name, Cand No: #### Project Title Every annotation should be in full sentences and cover the following 3 things: 1.Relate to a “Super Words” 2.Good or bad comments about that point 3.Link to YOUR PROJECT + Always ask WHY? You need 4+ Products that are similar to yours Surround each picture with text boxes and arrows Function End User Target Market Environment Materials Components Construction Size/Weight Finish Durability Manufacture Cost Exam Board Grade Descriptions A/B: Detailed analysis of relevant existing products or systems undertaken related to design intentions C: Good analysis of relevant products or systems undertaken D/E: Some analysis of related products or systems undertaken F/G: Minimal analysis of other products or systems undertaken
Name, Cand No: #### Project Title