A grassroots, parent and student advocacy group promoting real, whole, local, sustainable and nutrient-rich foods in the Montgomery County Public Schools.
RFKM’s Vision and Mission RFKM's Vision: A Montgomery County Public School system that serves and promotes real, whole, local, sustainable and nutrient-rich foods for a student body that selects and eats those foods. RFKM's Mission: To mobilize parents, students, educators and community members to promote policies, practices and educational opportunities that improve the food environment and general health and well- being of students in the Montgomery County Public Schools.
Why improve the food? 20% of MCPS students are overweight or obese Many students consume more than half of their daily calories at school (breakfast in the classroom in 70+ schools, after school suppers) Studies link childhood obesity and learning and behavior problems to junk food, and even specifically to school food
The School Food Reality
Unapproved (off during school day) Approved (on during school day)
RFKM Background Started October 2012 through a small group of concerned parents RFKM has grown to include parents from 187 of the 202 schools with over 4200 supporters as of November 2015
RFKM Strategy for School Food Reform Building membership of parents from each school until we have a rep at each Polling members yearly on their priorities Starting school wellness committees Using member base to advocate for change at the school level
RFKM Strategy for School Food Reform At the county level, collaborating with MCPS Division of Food and Nutrition Services, the Board of Education and the Superintendent to bring about change Doing education and research Conducting outreach and community building through public events Working on statewide legislation
RFKM Current Initiatives Statewide legislation through Healthy School Food Maryland coalition: Sensible Sugar in Schools Act – Reducing added sugar loads by meal to maximum levels recommended by the American Heart Association School Food Transparency Act – Requiring school food services to list all foods sold in cafeteria on school menus, including a la carte School Food Grading Program in all Maryland counties
RFKM Successes A la carte sales and account blocking mentioned on menus in elementary schools and on MCPS web site (June 2013) Delay in non-approved vending sales to 30 minutes after end of school day (fall 2013) Removal of strawberry milk (January 2014)
RFKM Successes Free bottles of water given to elementary school children buying lunch (fall 2014) Certain chemicals, including several food dyes, forbidden in future food contracts (fall 2014) Agreement to start an MCPS Wellness Committee to review wellness policy and regulation(spring 2015)
RFKM Current Priorities - Countywide Moving from processed, pre-plated and reheated food to food cooked from scratch at the central facility Greater variety of meals (fewer “junk foods” Getting salad bars in all schools Removing remaining chemicals in school food
What Are Your Concerns? Many members share these concerns: Teachers rewarding children with food/candy Sugary breakfasts in the classroom Junk food at celebrations, fundraisers, after- school activities Over-reliance on processed food such as pizza, french fries, hamburgers, etc.
Healthy Kids PTA Pledge We will choose fundraisers that promote healthy eating and physical activity for children. We will ask our parents organizing parties and events to follow the RFKM healthier party plan: Serve healthy foods first; Serve only one treat after healthy foods are offered; Serve fruit and vegetables at pizza parties. We will ask our parents to serve water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages at PTA- sponsored events and fundraisers.
Healthy Fundraising 5 for 5 Challenge – Challenge the kids to eat the recommended 5 servings of fruits and veggies/day and get sponsors – PTA and RFKM split profits. FarmRai$er – Kids/families sell local, healthy farm products via a custom online market. PTA retains 90% of profits (50% of sales). Use RFKM coupon code RFKM25 to get $25 in matching funds to start your campaign by 12/31/15.
How You Can Help Join RFKM by giving us your name and address Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter Join an RFKM committee Form or join a Wellness Committee at your school Help with a survey of parent opinions on your school food Talk to your principal and cafeteria manager about what you’d like to see changed Donate or become a sustainer
Communication Tools Web Pages: realfoodforkidsmontgomery.org realfoodforkidsmontgomery.org healthyschoolfoodmd.org Facebook Page: RealFoodforKidsMontgomery Phone: Bi-weekly e-newsletter