Client Name Analysis & Design Planning Guide October, 1993 © 1993 Gemini Consulting. Reproduction with Express Permission Only. CLIENT LOGO
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ Why is XYZ Looking to Gemini? Need to reduce overhead to reflect divestiture of plastics business Desire to create a world class company from diverse parts of recent acquisitions Work with Gemini in Germany, familiarity with Gemini’s approach to: –Providing business insights –Mobilizing internal resources
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ XYZ Company/Gemini Joint Analysis Logic Hypotheses Business Objectives Critical Success Factors Analysis Objectives Analysis Tasks Business Objectives Critical Success Factors Hypotheses Tasks Joint Project Approach Opportunities Findings
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ Acquisition of Analysis Opportunity Client: XYZ BDE: Jim Northam RD VP: Kees Been AVP: Barbara Gathany Market Team: Chemicals Type: 3 Analysis Fees: $189K Analysis Calendar: 7 Weeks Start: September 13, 1993 Lead: HP von Sicard Charge Code: A00327 Acct. Mgr:Jim Chinnici Documents: A&D Contract A&D Costing Estimate Worksheet Documents: A&D Contract A&D Costing Estimate Worksheet Headlines Red Issue:Client wants to align overhead costs with reduced operations following divestitures, and to assure product-to-customer processes provide for world class customer service. Mission:To analyze XYZ’s Product-to-Customer processes and corporate overhead CSF’s:Design an analysis appropriate to the objectives; create a compelling benefits case and a logical project approach Antecedents:European A&D/RD experience with XYZ’s parent Outputs:Completed planning guide (this document) RACI:Dave Connaughton to create first design. HP von Sicard to lead analysis and maintain key executive relationships during analysis. Dave Connaughton to direct on-site team efforts to accomplish all analysis tasks. Barbara Gathaney to provide executive analysis support.
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ Analysis Design Parameters The Analysis must: Build consensus at all levels on the future of the business Demonstrate Gemini’s ability to quickly and accurately assess client business opportunities (credible, prioritized opportunities) Demonstrate solid financial justification for process improvements Provide a convincing case for improved strategic marketing cpability Establish a path forward (project design) which will improve XYZ’s product- to-customer capabilities and deliver any identified benefits
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ Analysis Scope All overhead functions at XYZ All aspects of product-to-customer processes, excluding production -Excludes plastics (being divested) -Excludes Bristol plant (being divested) -Limited manufacturing involvement pending significant justification for investigation
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ The Whole Organization Will be Involved in the A&D Process Organization Chart Organization Chart
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ Much of the Value Chain Will Be Addressed Production & Logistics Sales & Planning Servicing Customers Importing Purchasing Producing Distributing Warehousing Importing Marketing (Customer Acquisition) Selling Forecasting Production Scheduling Performance Tracking
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ Continued Business Development Potential for a Long Relationship Future Business Potential Initial A&D Production Information Systems Other Results Delivery Product-to- Customer Processes Results Delivery
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ Decision Charting Survey Financial Framework Business Case Project Design Findings & Conclusions Executive Interviews Focus Interviews Brown Paper/ Process Flow Analysis Tasks will Provide a Series of Data Points Driving the Path Forward Benchmark Analysis Probes
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ Overview of Diagnostics Executive Interviews Focus Interviews Financial Framework Initiatives Review People/Culture Studies Process Brown Papers Product-to-Customer Probes Overhead probes Technology Probes Brown Paper Fair Opportunity Charting Project Design Business Case Objectives Diagnostics Responsibility
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ Client Updates Have Been Sceduled to Present Findings, Solicit Feedback and Build Enthusiasm Week 1 Analysis Plan Preliminary Interview Findings Week 2 Focus Interviews Executive Interviews Financial Framework Week 3 Initiatives Review People/Culture Studies Week 4 Key Business Processes Brown Papers Product to Customer Probes Overhead Probes Technology Probes Week 5 Business Case (Preliminary) Project Design (Preliminary) Week 6 Path Forward
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ Analysis Schedule WEEK 1WEEK 2WEEK 3WEEK 4 Path Forward 1.Executive/Focus Interviews 2.Financial Framework 3.Initiative Review 4.People/Culture Studies 5.Process Analyses 6.Product to Customer Probes 7.Overhead Probes 8.Technology Probes 9.Brown Paper Fair 10.Opportunity Charting 11.Project Design 12.Business Case 3,4 WEEK 5 5,6,7,8 WEEK 6 11,12
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ High Degree of Involvement Required Across the Organization (Both 1-on-1 and Group Sessions) WEEK 1WEEK 2WEEK 3WEEK 4 EI, FIInterview MMeeting TTelecon UUpdate VCasual Visit IInformed by others EI, FIInterview MMeeting TTelecon UUpdate VCasual Visit IInformed by others Contact Name WEEK 5
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ A&D Team Structure Designed to Build Relationships at All Client Levels
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ Analysis Task Assignments
Planning Guide 1.912/16/ XYZ Analysis Face-Off Matrix Client