The act or process of changing position or place Ex: moving vehicles, swinging a bat
The distance traveled per unit time s = d t d st
The total distance traveled divided by the total time of travel Ex: 2 m/s; 55 mph; 22 km/h Distance Time d st
Includes the speed of an object AND its direction EX: 1. race car traveling at 55 mph due north; 2. boat traveling southeast at 22 km/h How do you change an object’s velocity?
The change in velocity/speed of an object. It either increases or decreases as an object changes its velocity/speed A = final velocity – starting velocity time
How far an object has moved d = s x t EX: meters, feet, inches, centimeters, kilometers, etc
The distance and direction of an objects change in position from the starting point to the final point
When an object in motion neither speeds up nor slows down Distance Time