Professional Dress Directions: on the next slide please find a picture for proper and inappropriate attire for professional dress standards. Then tell me why it makes that way.
What is Professional Dress? ProperInappropriate
How has it changed? Research how professional dress has changed over the last 30 years? Reflect why do you think these changes have occurred? Do you think things will change again in your lifetime? And why….
Professional Dress Questions Answer the following questions: 1. When is it appropriate to wear professional dress? 2. List ways to acquire professional dress attire on a budget: 3. Give suggestions as to why it is important to be able to promote yourself in professional Dress?
Dress Day Male 4321 Conservative suit/long sleeve shirt with tie. Dark socks Professional shoes Neat hairstyle Trimmed nails Little or no cologne belt Missing 1 or 2 items: conservative suit/long sleeve shirt with tie. Dark socks Professional shoes Neat hairstyle Trimmed nails Little or no cologne belt cotton pants Polo shirt or knit shirt with just a collar Non professional shoes belt Jeans Sneakers No belt Female 4321 Conservative suit or Coordinated blouse with a solid skirt/slacks or Appropriate dress Moderate shoes Limited jewelry Neat professional hairstyle Manicured nails Little or not perfume Missing 1 or 2 items: Conservative suit or Coordinated blouse with a solid skirt/slacks or Appropriate dress Moderate shoes Limited jewelry Neat professional hairstyle Manicured nails Little or not perfume Khaki, corduroy, twill, cotton pants Polo/knit shirt Bold, bright patterns or colors Jeans Sneakers
My Dress Day