Jeff Apps To support your personal health…
Jeff GI Content including; Colon cancer risk assessment. Recommendation for screening age. Descriptions of common GI Diseases. Fiber content of foods. Fiber gram needs.
Jeff GI Content continued; Information on risks for colon cancer, ie. BMI, smoking, family history of colon cancer. Gastroenterology appointment reminder. Ability for patient’s to schedule appointments.
Jeff Cardio Provide basic information on cardiomyopathy types Risk assessment; BMI, smoker family history. Daily weight log/monitor. Daily sodium intake log/monitor. Provide exercise goals. Provide Medication reminder.
Jeff Cardio Provide basic education on medications such as ace types and beta-blockers. Cardiology appointment reminder. Ability to schedule appointments.
Jeff ONC Provide information on Cancer types. Provide information on personal risk factors. Provide possible genetic risk factors. Chemo and Radiation schedule reminders. Oncologist appointment reminder. Ability to schedule appointments.
Monitor the Health Stats… For individuals progress toward health. Collaborating with them to assist them in developing changes if possible. Use them for research developing recommendations for changes in treatments or care based on the over all stats.
Jeff Apps To support your personal health…