Treasurers Report To the Board of Directors September 8, 2012
Board Responsibilities Fraud The Board is responsible for considering how FRAUD could occur within the Organization »Theft – Cash, Assets, Identity or Intellectual Property »Overriding of Internal Controls The Auditors will Ask what steps we have taken to identify or detect fraud We should think about the ways Fraud could be going on, or how we can reduce the occurrence of Fraud.
Monthly Operating Expenses exceed Income by $220,000 on Average Board Designated Camp Funds ~ $998,241 – Remain Constant since Final Numbers from Cookie Sale in April 2012
July Highlights Revised Projected Budget shows a Surplus of $84,957 Actual Revenues from General Operating, Program Service and In-kind Donations are only 50%, but we are 10 Months into the Year Projected Net Income is $29,074
Summary Our Financial Position Continues to Improve – But we need to find more revenue sources General Operation Donations are still needed. The 100 th Anniversary ~ A great Donation Conversation Starter Who can you ask to Donate?