Main obligations Duty to respect (art.2) Duty to ensure (art.2) Duty to give effect to the provisions of the Covenant (art.2) Right to a remedy (art. 2)
Non discrimination Art. 2 General clause Art.3 Equality men – women Art. 4 States of emergency Art. 14: Equality before the courts Art. 23: Husband-wife during marriage Art. 24: Protection of children Art. 25: Participation in public affairs Art 26: Equality before the law, Equal protection of the law
Self determination – rights of minorities Art. 1: Self determination Art. 27: rights of individuals belonging to minorities to enjoy culture, in conjunction with the other members of the group.
Right to life Art. 6 Prohibition of arbitrary deprivation of life Restrictions to the application of death penalty
Prohibition of torture Art. 7 Absolute prohibition Distinction between torture and other cruel or inhuman treatment Non- refulement
Prohibition of slavery Art. 8 – Slavery – Servitude – Forced labour
Liberty and security of person Art. 9.1 Arbitrary or unlawful detention Art. 9.2 Right to be informed Art. 9.3 Right to be brought promptly Art. 9.4 Habeas corpus Art. 9.5 Compensation for wrongful detention
Human Dignity Art. 10 Treatment of prisoners, and other persons deprived of their liberty Treatment of children in conflict with the law
Fair trial Art. 14: Equality before the courts, independence of the judiciary Art Presumption of Innocence Art Minimum standards applicable to criminal proceedings
Principle of legality Art. 15 Criminal conducts should be sufficiently described in domestic law Non retroactivity Crimes against international law
Right to privacy Art 17 – Protection of privacy – Protection of family – Protection of correspondence
Freedom of thought Art.18 – Right to adopt a religion – To manifest, to practice and to teach
Freedom of expression Art 19 – Right to disseminate – Right to receive – Ideas of all kind Art 20 – Prohibition of propaganda, and the advocacy of national, racial, or religious hatred.
Collective rights & groups in focus Art 20 Right to peaceful assembly Art 21 Freedom of association Art. 22 The family Art. 23 Protection of children
Political Rights Art. 25 Take part in the conduct of public affairs Vote and be elected Access to public service