The oldest of the Utilitarian Arts Baskets
▪Baskets date back almost as long as mankind has been around we have needed containers to carry everything from food to water. Baskets The History
▪There are many different techniques for basket making each were developed for different specific materials. Baskets The History
▪Technique using flat materials. ▪Most common are Reed or Cane that has been split. ▪Early Europeans and Americans would use Hickory, Oak, or Ash trees that would be cut down and then soaked and split. The flat stringy would be pealed from the inside. Splint Weaving
Flat Reed Baskets using the Plaiting Technique
▪Technique of winding up an inner core like a snake while stitching it every ¼ inch. ▪Traditional materials are strong grasses or soft strong tree fibers. ▪This technique was used a lot by the Plains Indians. Coiling
Coiling Method Using Thin Cloth and Rope
▪Traditional also done with reed or cane. ▪As well as grapevines, honeysuckle, and Willow branches. ▪The deciding factor is will the material be flexible and strong enough to handle the abuses of a basket. Round Fiber Weaving
Reed Basket By Kari Lonning
▪Nearly anything can be used to make baskets. ▪Some popular materials are wire, aluminum, acrylic and wool yarns, ▪Ropes, Newspaper, and Cardboard boxes. Materials being used today
Steel Wire Basket
Baskets can be made of nearly any bendable material Though all Traditional Baskets are still handmade.
Reed Double Weave Basket w/ Beads By Debra Hammond
Apache Indian Baskets
Gourd & Pine Needle Basket By: Phylis Sickles
“Bare Branches Blue Black Sky” By: Joe Hogan
South African Wire Baskets using the Coiling
Abstract Expressionism
Jackson Pollock
Max Coomer