£10 Challenge The UK’s European university November 2015 Sophie Taylor- Gammon HIVE – Student Enterprise Activities
£10 Challenge £10 – what can you do?
Student Enterprise Student Enterprise has been designed to enable students to gain valuable enterprise-specific skills based on 6 core principles of enterprise: 1.Communication 2.Problem Solving 3.Resourcefulness 4.Creativity 5.Management and Leadership 6.Commercial Awareness
Student Enterprise How you can get involved HIVE Start-Up Competitions Enterprise Skills Award Student Societies Events Employability Points
The £10 Challenge You have until the 27 th November 2015 to make as much money as you can from a £10 investment. By 5pm on that day you must return your completed evidence diary and the £10 investment.
The prizes The person or team who makes the most profit will receive £100 Amazon vouchers! First runner(s) up will receive £50 Amazon vouchers, second runner(s) up will receive £20 Amazon vouchers! All participants will receive a certificate and 15 Employability Points. This is an opportunity to show a practical application of your skills to potential. You also get to keep all profit made.
What you need to do Complete the top form of the information pack and hand in You will find a set of rules (which we will go through) You have a diary that you need to complete Return your diary and original £10 loan Please also complete the feedback questionnaire (optional but appreciated)
The Rules All activities must be Legal, honest and ethical All activities must adhere to the University’s health & safety policies No activity must jeopardise the safety or well-being of participants or the general public No activity must involve gambling No activity can contain home produced foodstuff No activity will involve any skin preparations The £10 must only be used to fund participants taking part in the challenge The £10 must be returned to the University at the end of the challenge Participants may use any profit made as they see fit Any participant making a loss must still explain their activity The decision of the judges is final and without appeal
Winner Last year students demonstrated their entrepreneurial skills through buying, creating and selling various items, the students made nearly £1,400 profit combined, with the winner Gold Babalola making £389 profit by utilising her existing skills and styling hair. The winner was a Law student who made £551 buying and selling iphone cases on ebay.
Runners Up Runners up included Serwan Saleme who made an impressive £ from generating hits on his YouTube Channel and a team of Actuarial Science Students who raised money by designing and selling t-shirts for students from their school. Each of these showed great entrepreneurial skills throughout their projects, and demonstrated how easy it can be to make some money from as little as £10.
Where do I start? What is in demand at the moment? Could you buy cheaper items from ebay or elsewhere and sell them at a profit? Maybe you can make jewellery? Could you offer to fix things? Design things? Add value? Such as personalise clothing items? Do hair and nails for night out? Write blogs and reviews for people for money? Sell second hand books? Build a new social media platform or app? Sell your tutoring skills? Proof reams essays and spend the money on marketing yourself. Start an ebay shop? You tube videos?
Need Help? We will be holding a student market to sell and promote goods/services of the £10 challenge participants: Wednesday 11 th November Tuesday 17 th November Tuesday 24 th November Alternatively, you can the team at
: -Over 5,100 students -130 business and organisations -567 rewards E: W: The Employability Points Scheme Get Involved! Get Rewarded! 1. Take part in extra-curricular activities 2. Claim Employability Points 3. Get rewarded! Activities can include: volunteering, attending workshops, joining societies, working part- time, etc. Rewards range from internships, project placements, work experience, training sessions, assessment centres and vouchers! Gain both ‘real life’ skills and work experience through the EP Scheme to stand out to prospective employers.
Keep in touch E: T: If you want us to promote your business/venture do not hesitate to ask! Any questions?