Essential Assessment Then & Now Karen E. Blankenship 1
Review zRTI zEligibility zECC 2
Preview zOnce eligibility as visually impaired has been certified by an eye health report then we verify the impact on the educational program or entitlement through yEssential Assessments (1 & 2 required initially and every 3 years, 3 required yearly for instruction)- 1.FVA- accommodations needed to access general education 2.LMA- accommodations needed to access general education 3.ECC 3
Eligibility z (a) Upon completion of the administration of assessments and other evaluation measures (1) a group of qualified professionals and the parent of the child determines whether the child has a disability ySchool district provides a copy of the assessment report and documentation of determination xMay not be a result of poor instruction in reading/math or limited English proficiency yRe-evaluation every 3 years unless team deems unnecessary 4
Program Planning Instruction Ongoing Evaluation ASSESSMENT Instructional Continuum 5
IDEA A full and individual initial evaluation must be conducted in accordance with 34 CFR Secs & A variety of strategies must be used in the evaluation process to gather relevant functional and developmental information about a child. 6
Assessment vs. Evaluation zAssessment: what a student knows or can do (guides programming & instruction) zEvaluation: compares a student’s achievement with a set of standards such as curriculum based measures (did I make a difference?) 7
Assessment zProcess of documenting, usually in measureable terms, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs 8
Effective Assessment zIs a continuous process, effective assessment and evaluation are integrated into all aspects of the curriculum, providing both teachers and students with relevant and useful data to gauge progress and determine the effectiveness of materials and procedures 9
Essential Assessments zFunctional Vision Assessment (FVA) zLearning Media Assessment (LMA) zECC priority area assessments 10
Tools 11
RIOT Model zR- review of records zI- interviews with families, students, teachers, and other related service providers zO- observations in a variety of environments, educational, home and community zT- testing both informal and formal 12
Rubrics zRubrics have been shown to improve professional practice and allow administrators to make a quantitative judgment about assessments. 13
EA Rubric 14
Key Points to Remember zEverything begins with assessment zAssessment for program planning & instruction zAlways include families zAdhere to RIOT model zDifferent protocols, tools and strategies for varying age, acuity, and ability levels 15
Report Writing zKeep protocols in your locked file they are NOT public domain zThink about your audience yFamilies yOther professionals zDiscuss with families prior to IEP team meeting 16
EA Template zEasy to fill in and print off zUse your protocols, observations, interviews, and notes to develop zTried to align with the rubric in order to score a 4. 17
Review 18