1 Planning a Mixed Methods Study by John W. Creswell, Ph.D., Department of Educational Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Co-editor, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, and Co-Director, Office of Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research Presentation made to Social Work-Nursing Graduate Students, University of Michigan, February 5, 2008 © Please do not duplicate or use these slides without the express permission of the author.
2 Title Tentative – Sustainability of biodiversity conservation for three projects in two developing countries: A Mixed Methods Concurrent Case Study Approach
3 The Research Problem Problem Projects do not produce static outcomes Financial sustainability Need for literature
4 Concurrent QUAL + QUAN This study is about the sustainability of biodiversity conservation outcomes in three projects. In the study, a quantitative survey will be used to measure the relationship between factors that influence biodiversity conservation and sustainability. At the same time, the sustainability of biodiversity conservation will be explored using qualitative interviews with stakeholders of three projects. The reason for combining both quantitative and qualitative data is for utility, completeness, and addressing inadequate theories for determining if the model from the survey holds for the qualitative data.
5 Research Questions Quantitative questions Organizational literature Factors such as holistically design, stakeholders accountablilty, legitimacy, institutionalization, adaptable, and equitability influence biodiversity conservation. Factors such as holistically design, stakeholders accountablilty, legitimacy, institutionalization, adaptable, and equitability influence sustainability. Qualitative questions What do stakeholders think about the sustainability of biodiversity conservation? Mixed method question How does the model compare with stakeholder views? Is it consistent, divergent?
6 Postpositivism Determination Reductionism Empirical observation and measurement Theory verification X Constructivism Understanding Multiple participant meanings Social and historical construction Theory generation X Advocacy/Participatory Political Empowerment issue-oriented Collaborative Change-oriented Pragmatism Consequences of actions Problem-centered Pluralistic Real-world practice oriented Worldview or Paradigm for Study X
7 Methodology – Definition of Mixed Methods Research Mixed methods research is a design for collecting, analyzing, and mixing both quantitative and qualitative research (or data) in a single study or series of studies to understand a research problem. (adapted from Creswell and Plano Clark, 2007). I plan on conducting a multiple case study approach using mixed methods procedures of qualitative and quantitative research (Luck, et al.)
8 Data Collection Projects to be studied Cambodia – project in one site – name the project, describe project Vietnam – project in two sites – names the projects, describe the projects Participants to be studied – program advisors in NYC, in country and site; stakeholders; subset of survey participants become participants in the interviews Forms of data collection Quan – self-designed surveys (250), evaluation documents (NEED TO DEVELOP THIS SURVEY) Qual – interviews (50), evaluation documents, correspondence, newspapers
9 Data Analysis Quantitative Descriptive data Analysis of descriptive data by case Correlation analysis Qualitative Representation forms: Narrative stories Critical incidents Concept maps Coding-themes-description of each case, within-case data analysis, and cross- case data analysis
10 QUAN Data & Results Interpretation QUAL Data & Results QUAN Pre-test Data & Results QUAN Post-test Data & Results Intervention qual Process Interpretation Triangulation Design Embedded Design Concurrent Mixed Methods Designs X
11 Research Skills and Resources I (Kevin) has taken several courses in ISR, such as survey research, qualitative focus groups, ethnography course, coursework on interviews, statistics descriptive statistics, experiences with secondary survey data Personal experiences from going to conferences Own resources and graduate school resources Time table
12 Planning a Mixed Methods Study by John W. Creswell, Ph.D., Department of Educational Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Co-editor, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, and Co-Director, Office of Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research Presentation made to Social Work-Nursing Graduate Students, University of Michigan, February 5, 2008 © Please do not duplicate or use these slides without the express permission of the author.