Physical Features MMMMeerkats are about 2 feet long. AAAAn adult Meerkat only weighs 2 pounds. TTTTheir ears are almost totally covered by fur. TTTThey have brownish yellow fur. MMMMeerkats have long fur and a small pointed head with a black nose, and black eyes. TTTThey have short arms and legs. LLLLittle mouth and pointy nose. SSSSmall ears close to head.
Species Meerkats are apart of the mongoose family. Meerkats are apart of the mongoose family. People say they are related to cats but they are not related to cats. Meerkats are mammals.
Habitat and Landform They live in dry grasslands and rocky places. Meerkats live in deserts and other dry places. They live on land and hunt on land. Even though people call Meerkats, “Lake Cats”, they don’t actually live in water and don’t really like to swim.
Climate TThe climate for a Meerkat’s habitat is very, very hot. IIn the day, where Meerkats live, it’s really, really, hot in the desert, but in the nighttime, it’s very cold, and even sometimes below freezing! IIn the desert, the temperature is 122 degrees f.
Lifespan A Meerkats lifespan is 12 to 14 years in the wild. Meerkats live 12 years or over in captivity. Meerkats also are not endangered. Meerkats are not endangered but when people come to live in their habitat, it threatens the meerkat’s home and sometimes the people might threaten the Meerkats lives.
Prey and Predator Prey Mice Insects Rats Predator Eagles Vultures Jackals Ratels (which are members of the weasel family)
What They Eat Meerkats are omnivores: They eat roots, spiders, centipedes, and other bugs. They also eat scorpions (but it’s okay for Meerkats to eat scorpions because they are immune to a scorpion's venom).
Reproduction After Meerkats mate, in 11 weeks the babies are born. When baby Meerkats are born, their eyes and ears are closed. Baby Meerkats (called cubs) only weigh 2 ounces. Cubs are about 10 inches long when they’re babies.
Physical Adaptation AAAA meerkat’s soft, brownish fur helps them to camouflage with the ground so they can hide from enemies. TTTTheir tail is almost the same length as their body. TTTThey use their tail for balance WWWWhen looking for food, meerkats scratch the soil with their claws to get their food because sometimes they have to trap their prey. MMMMeerkats have dark rings around their eyes that act like built-in sunglasses.
Behavioral Adaptation When a meerkat sees an enemy, it quickly pops back into it’s burrow so the enemy doesn't see the meerkat. Since it’s so hot in the desert, meerkats sleep underground because it’s a lot cooler underground. They dig with claws to get at food and to make a burrow When they are running from an enemy they are very fast runners. When meerkats are facing an enemy, if there’s no cover, they bunch up together and hiss and jump towards the intruder, then after the enemy is gone, they celebrate by hugging each other.
Physiological Adaptations SSince meerkats live in the desert, they don’t sweat water instead, they sweat “uric acid” so they don’t lose water in the heat. MMeerkats have a phenomenal sense of smell they use to detect enemies. MMeerkats have sharp teeth that help them chew bugs like centipedes.
Fun Facts Meerkats share their underground homes with other animals, like ground squirrels, mongooses, and other small animals, but some animals are unwelcome like snakes. When meerkats mate, the male gets part of his body on the female’s body and latches onto the female’s neck and after that the mating is done. They live in mobs. So their family stays together in their burrow with other meerkats. Meerkat burrows are big and you can have 3 to 4 meerkats in one burrow. But there are a lot of rooms in the burrow so you can have more meerkats if there are more rooms.