Scorpion Nicholas S.
The animal I am researching is a Scorpion. It is an arachnid like spiders.
The Scorpion has claws and a venomous stinger.
They are found in South and North America.Also in Mexico and parts of Africa
What Scorpions Eat The Scorpion eats different kinds of meat. It’s a meat eater.
The animal lives in deserts during the day they hide in the sand.At night they eat insects.
Scorpion Facts 1.Mother scorpions carry baby’s on their backs. 2.Their related to spiders and ticks. 3.Each scorpion’s leg has tiny claws. 4.Scorpion’s are 8.5 feet long. 5.The deadliest Scorpion in the U.S. is the small bark Scorpion.
Resources Used The book title is Poisonous Animals. By Seymour Simon.
This report was made by: My name is Nicholas S. I am age 9. My favorite hobby is to Play video games I picked the scorpion because It is dangerous and has a venomous stinger. I want to be a known scientist when I grow up and find new scorpions and different kinds of animals.