Learning Through Online Delivery What the Experts Say Dr. Margo Burns Dr. Helen Prosser
What are we going to do today? What do you think is unique about learning online? What skills do you think is needed to teach online? How should material be designed for online delivery? What should an Online Learning Environment look like?
REFLECTION QUESTION Throughout this present, please reflect on the following questions: What do you think is unique about learning online? How can online learners be actively engaged?
Teaching Online: Is Anything Unique? Who has taught or taken a course online? What skills do you think is needed to teach online? How should material be designed for online delivery? Experts say: well designed learning materials and support entertaining and enriching learning experiences active participation by the learner self-assessment to build confidence and competence Hmmmm… do we strive to do what the experts say? can these 4 recommendations be done within an online learning environment?
#1: Well designed learning materials & support The design of an online course “can either facilitate or impede the learning process” Develop & Structure the Learning Environment
Opening the Course
Create an initial impression that will stimulate development of the learning community and nuture the students to maturity Welcome and announcement Have fewer assignments in week 1 to allow for technical issues to be dealt with Provide information to the help desk Introductions Spend week 1 getting to know your students and each other Emphasize the Syllabus Establish a Tone of Excellence
Course Design Can Save Time…
Design with Appropriate Use of Technology Achieve balance between presentation and content Good courses have multimedia and strong use of technology Use technology appropriately You want students to spend their time learning the course content, not the new technology Establish a Time Framework Design your units with some time framework Students then know what to expect and can get into a weekly routine Personalize Little touches make a huge difference in how a student views the learning environment Your online “voice” will come through Incorporate student feedback Consider student feedback in redesigning parts of your course
Develop & Structure the Learning Environment Overview of Material Structured Learning Environment Navigation Instruction Design for Different Learning Styles Discussion Lecture Demonstration Self-discovery
Develop & Structure the Learning Environment Overview of Material Structured Learning Environment Navigation Instruction Design for Different Learning Styles Discussion Lecture Demonstration Self-discovery Discussion Lecture Demonstration Self-discovery
#2 Entertaining & Enriching Learning Experiences
Explore LMS:
#3 Active Participation by the Learner What do we mean by this?
#3 Active Participation by the Learner Require Participation Set aside a portion of the grade Recommended 30 to 40% Form Learning Teams Make the Activity Interesting Appeal to life experiences, vested interests Let students have choice of activities/projects Don’t Settle For Just Opinions Insist that opinions be supported by data and rational discourse Re-examine/summarize at the end of a discussion
#3 Active Participation by the Learner Structure the Activity Topics should not be open-ended Force learners through the design of the activities to fully participate Require a “Hand-in Assignment” (Deliverable) Do something besides just expressing ideas and opinions Know What You are Looking For & Involve Yourself to Help Make it Happen Know the quality of the work you are looking for and express this in the assignment directions Participate in the discussions, chats, activities by providing Extensive critique, feedback, and encouragement Peer Grading Helps produce quality work
#3 Active Participation by the Learner Remember… Students have a job to do; namely, learn. Learning is best accomplished when the learner is actively engaged in the process.
Discussion Boards
Live Discussions
#4 Self-Assessment to build confidence and Competence Online assessment can be…and should be…much more interactive then traditional face-to-face assessments. Interactive Games Quizzes Test Your Knowledge
Interactive Activity: Library Assignment
REFLECTION QUESTION Look back at the 2 reflection questions What do you think is unique about learning online? How can online learners be actively engaged? Has Anything Changed For You?