C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS MEDIA subtheme :media education Divina FRAU-MEIGS Professor, University Paris Sorbonne Director, master “e-learning and media education engineering” Vice-president, International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS Advances in media literacy policy: international framework Unesco (2007--) - Media education kit (published in French, English, Arabic version). Extension is being prepared, with additional sections and online tools. Partnerships with civil society via the MENTOR association - Riyadh international conference in April 2007 to discuss Media education in Arab world, with MENTOR association.
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS Advances in media literacy policy: international framework Unesco: IPDC and media development Indicators, following a report by Andrew Puddephatt (ex-Article 19) and others. Inclusion of media education as a diagnostic tool for all stakeholders; inclusion of media education as benchmarking and standard- setting element. ==> to be shared with UN agencies : Common Country Assessment (CCA); United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS Advances in media literacy policy: international framework -Unesco, with Council of Europe: celebrating the Grunwald declaration (25 years later) ==>“The Paris Agenda” 9 recommendations: definition, research, international benchmarking, clearinghouse…
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS Advances in media literacy policy: international framework -Council of Europe: Graz seminar, December 2007 ==> Pestallozzi programme for teacher training inclusion of human rights and citizenship in media education; creation of curriculum; production of materials
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS Advances in media literacy policy: international framework -European Commission: Communication adopted by the member states after several high level expert meetings ==> obligation to report on yearly basis, awareness of good practices, empowerment of audiovisual authorities to produce materials and promote literacy, promote research and produce assessment criteria
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS Advances in media literacy policy: international framework -Alliance for Civilization : Madrid intercultural dialogue -dialogue with religious leaders -media education as a way to intercultural dialogue and sustainable democracies -memorandum of understanding with Unesco ==> creation of a specific website, acting as a clearinghouse, in collaboration with civil society actors (MENTOR,IAMCR, Nordicom,… )
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS Advances in media literacy policy: international framework General agreement on 3 P’s of Policy Practices and strategies: Protection Provision Participation ==>national level has to apply 3 P’s (ex: Ofcom and English-speaking countries; France and basic competences in law…)
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS Advances in curriculum and core competences (1) Curriculum development is key Teacher training at initial level is consensus Inclusive definition of media education is building up, to encompass infocompetence Added value of human rights is accepted
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS Advances in curriculum and core competences (2) Curriculum details should take into account 5 C’s or core competences: Comprehension Critical thinking Creativity Cross-cultural communication citizenship
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS Advances in curriculum and core competences (3) Curriculum details should take into account cross-curricular and modular approach: Technologies Productions Representations Languages Publics and receptions
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS Advances in curriculum and core competences (4) Curriculum details should take into account teaching strategies Textual readings and analysis Simulations and role playing Productions and representations ==>output-oriented project-oriented attitudes promoted (curiosity,interaction,… values promoted (self-esteem, tolerance, democratic awareness,…)
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS Strategies for the future development of media literacy Setting general orientation (standards, benchmarking, directives….) Producing media education materials (movement in favour of exceptions to IP rights for education…) Training of teachers and implementing media competences
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS Strategies for the future development of media literacy Providing access to infrastructures and content Eliminating social exclusion (training older people, disabled,…) Nurturing positive feelings for media education and e-trust Fostering sustainable attitudes (appreciation, creativity…)
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS Strategies for the future development of media literacy multistakeholderism at the center -ministries of education and culture -teacher associations and trade unions -audiovisual authorities and private sector -IOGs (Council of Europe, Unesco,…) With inter-sectorial push -international associations and civil society actors (Mentor, Iamcr,…)
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS What way forward? (1) Dynamic coalition at IGF, in relation with online education: next step India, dec 2008 Alliance of Civilisations: next step, Istanbul, 2009 Regional policies and implementation of media education policies (European Union,..)
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS What way forward ? (2) -research pull and push Mapping of existing media and broadcasting policies for media education Scaling up curriculum development International conferences on media education to be held in Finland, New York,… European Media education Charter, to be extended internationally…
C9. Media education. Geneva Divina FRAU-MEIGS What way forward ? (3) Recommendations and suggestions: -establish clearer link between C8 and other action lines, like C7 (e-learning) -establish connection between NGOs and other civil society implicated in WSIS and IOGs -establish relations between culture division, education division and information division within unesco, for research agenda -prioritize research issues and apply for funding