Hello ! My name is Massandjé
I am years old I was born in Paris, 19th district
I Like Eating, dancing, travelling abroad
Here are the information About Maria Sklodowska Curie
Marie Curie’s Childhood She was born Maria Salomea Sklodowska in Warsaw (Capital of Poland) in She had four siblings. Her parents were teachers. Her mother died when Maria was a young girl (12).
When she left Poland In 1891 she went to Paris. Her sister Bronislawa invited her. She left to Paris to study medicine. And Maria helped her by working. Bronislawa married Mr. Dluski.
Her studies in Paris She studied at La Sorbonne : - physics, chemestry and mathematics She succeed her degree in physics (1893) and in mathematics (1894). She wanted to come back to Poland to get a job. But she could not have one so she stayed in France.
Pierre Curie She felt in love with Pierre Curie. He worked at the school of physics and chemestry. He was interested in magnetism, like Marie. She became her wife in July They liked to go on bicycle. Pierre Curie joined her wife to work with her on radioactivity.
HER WORKS She worked on uranium rays. She discovered that radioactivity was due to the atom of uranium. She studied two minerals : pitchblende and torbernite, more radioactive than uranium. In 1898 she discovered Polonium and later Radium with Gustave Bémont. She published her works
Pierre curie died He died in 1906 at the age of 46.
Her prices She received the Nobel prize in Physics with her husband and Henri Beckerel in It is the first time a woman is awarded by a Nobel prize.