The University of Paris was a famous university in Paris, France, and one of the earliest to be established in Europe it was founded by a man named Robert De Sorbon, There Are. students 17 departments 1300 teachers and research professors 774 people working at Paris-Sorbonne (other than teachers and research professors)
Art and Archaeology Music and Musicology Languages English studies Arabic and Hebrew studies German and Nordic studies Iberian and Latin American Studies Slavonic studies Italian studies Applied Foreign Language (LEA) French and classics Greek French language Latin French and Comparative literature Human Sciences Geography History The Institute for Research on Modern Western Civilization (IRCOM) Philosophy Sociology and Applied human sciences Communication Information and communication (CELSA) Education ESPE
The University has opened an Office of Student Services, with the strategic purpose of encouraging students to play a major role in academic democracy. This is meant to give them a strong sense of belonging and to improve the quality of their lives.