Regional Challenges in Moving Forward with & Beyond the PRR Agenda – The Africa Region Frank Byamugisha, Operations Advisor, AFTAR Land Administration Mini-Retreat: November 19-20, 2007
Outline Why is land important in Africa? What are the broad approaches? What has the World Bank done so far? What are the challenges?
Why is land important in Africa? Prevention of conflicts over land Economic growth Poverty reduction Security of tenure and access to land for the urban and rural poor, and marginalized groups Environment Delineation of common property resources through land use planning; and Facilitation of property rights to natural resources
What Are the Broad Approaches Being Used? In urban and rural space: Increasing security of customary or informal land tenure Modernizing land records and registries to improve quality and speed of service delivery Piloting & scaling up low cost & community- oriented approaches to land titling and redistribution Improving management of state lands Land use planning for improved NRM
What is being done? Knowledge activities Sector Work, AAA, PSIAs, TA Land policy/Land Administration: Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda, Malawi, Cote d’Ivoire, Madagascar, Liberia, Mozambique (PSIA), Zambia (PSIA/land administration) Land redistribution: South Africa (TA), Namibia (AAA), Zimbabwe (AAA) Distance learning courses on “Land Policy, land administration and Land Redistribution” (WBI/DEC/AFR) annually since 2003 Brazil and East Asia study tours to see Bank-supported land reform and land administration projects
What is being Done? Rural & Economy-wide Lending Tanzania Land component in PSD Project ($30m)/ PRSCs Uganda Land component in PSD Project ($24m)/ PRSCs Ghana Land Administration Project ($20.5 m) Malawi Land Redistribution Pilot ($27 m) Madagascar Land Administration pilots in several projects ($5m) Burkina Faso Land tenure security pilot component ($3.2 m) in Rural Development project Zambia Land component (part of Agr. Project under prep.) Ethiopia Land Component (part of SLM project under prep.) Cote D’Ivoire Land administration component ($5.3 m) in Community-Driven Development project Zimbabwe Land Redistribution LIL ($5 m, but never effective)
KEY CHALLENGES (10) Allocation & efficient use of state land – issues of compensation (Ghana; Uganda) Allocation of village land and endorsement for registration – issues of local governance (Ghana; Zambia; Tanzania; Ethiopia) Land use planning/land registration – issues of compensation/resettlement for encroachers (Tanzania; Ethiopia) Resolving overlapping rights issues (mailo landlords/tenants in Uganda; agric/pastoralists in Ethiopia & Tanzania) – resettlement/compensation
KEY CHALLENGES (Cont’d) Reconstitution and densification of national geodetic networks – issues of appreciation & cost Reconstitution and modernization of land records and registries – Sustainability issues Decentralization of land admin. – local gov’nt finance issues; enough business?
KEY CHALLENGES (Cont’d) Satellite imagery/hand-held GPS technologies jumping paper technology – Is LIS sustainable at district level? Alternative land dispute resolution systems – barely surviving (Zambia; Uganda) Land Redistribution ($1,000/family Grants) Pilots – Are they scalable in Africa?