 Marie Curie was born on November 7, 1876 in Warsaw the capital of Poland. Born with 4 other siblings Marie’s parents were very strict and had high expectations.


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Presentation transcript:

 Marie Curie was born on November 7, 1876 in Warsaw the capital of Poland. Born with 4 other siblings Marie’s parents were very strict and had high expectations for their children. In 1891, Marie went to Paris to continue her studies at the Sorbonne where she obtained Licenciateships in physics and the mathematical sciences. In 1894 she met her husband, a professor in the school of physics and in the following year they were married. She gained her doctor of science degree in Unfortunately her husband died in 1906 and left her with their two children.  Marie died in 1934 at the age of 67, she died from leukemia, thought to have been from research and constant exposure to radioactivity.

 Discovered radium and polonium  Helped Becquerel discover radioactivity Polonium and radium- radio active elements Radioactivity- spontaneous emission of radiation from an element

 Radioactivity- the Curies helped the french physicist Becquerel discover radioactivity when he placed a uranium sample on some unexposed photographic film. Becquerel then discovered that uranium exhibits radioactivity.

 Marie and her husband repeatedly separated various substances. Then using the electrometer they identified the most radioactivity fractions. For example, a particular element might dissolve in an acid, which they could pour off, leaving other elements behind in a sludge at the bottom of the pot. After the materials were separated into different types of compounds, they used radiation measurements to trace the minute amount of radioactive elements among the fractions that they found. Marie found that every time she managed to take away an amount of bismuth, a residue with greater activity was left. They discovered that two fractions were strongly radioactive. on July 1898 the Curies published their conclusion: the bismuth fraction contained a new element. Chemically it acted almost exactly like bismuth, but since it was radioactive, it had to be something new, polonium.  They then used the same method to discover radium.

A device that is used to precisely measure electricity. It was invented by Pierre Curie and his brother Jacques. It was a major part in Marie’s experiments

 Marie would lead an exciting life receiving 15 gold medal awards, 19 degrees, and many other honors  Curie was the first woman to receive a doctorate in the sciences in Europe, the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize, the first person to receive two Nobel Prizes, and the first woman to teach at the Sorbonne

 ecurie.html ecurie.html  html html  reates/1903/marie-curie-bio.html reates/1903/marie-curie-bio.html 