8B unit 3 Online Tours Around the World in Eight Hours Reading (1)


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Presentation transcript:

8B unit 3 Online Tours Around the World in Eight Hours Reading (1)

学习目标: 本节课后你应该能够: 1. 通过阅读文章了解纽约的四个景点及该网站 的使用方法 2. 能够向他人介绍纽约的著名景点 3. 激发创造性思维,充满了解世界的热情

If we don’t have time and money, how to travel around the world?

Travel online Around the World in Eight Hours Pre-reading: Have a guess What will we visit? Nanjing is international. People gather here to trade. huge=very big relax=have a rest several=more than two Musical has a long history since twentieth century.

Which city will we visit? while-reading: skimming ( 默读文章,回答问题 ) New York How many places will we visit? What are they? Four. Wall Street Central Park Times Square Broadway

while-reading: scanning Task 1: How do we start our trip? Tour Camera Print Asia Africa Europe America Others Europe Asia Africa America The USA Miami New York San Francisco Seattle click v. 点击

Read line5-line21 Where do you want to lead us to go? Why? while-reading: scanning Task 2: Be a little guide Wall Street Central Park Times SquareBroadway

Read Wall Street part silently, and you tourists can ask the guide questions according to the text.( 默读华尔街部分 ,根据课文请向导游提问) Wall Street A B C D international banks southern trade center W____ is Wall Street? W____ is Wall Street? W____ can we see in the street? hat here

Times Square huge Read it excitedly!

Please read this part for us. Others close your eyes. Central Park lawn How do you feel? Why do you feel relaxed? What can we do here? Read it together. Let’s feel relaxed.

What does musical look like in China? Broadway Beijing opera A: oh, we are at Broadway. B: Yes. It’s wonderful. I know it is famous for_______ A: Really? How long has it been famous? B: Since_________. Have you ever heard of the song “memory”? A: Yes! It comes from ______________ musical

How do we start a new trip? BACK

Tour Camera Print Europe Asia Africa America

post-reading: Be a careful giude be famous forin the center of hear of the biggest city places of interest at the southern end of thousands ofafter a hard day’s work Hi, everyone! I am your tour guide to New York. I will show you around _____________ in America. We can visit some ______________ like Wall Street, Time Square, Central Park and Broadway. Wall Street is _________________ Manhattan. It is a famous trade center. Time Square attracts _______________people every year on new year’s eve. They go there to welcome the new year.

Central Park is ____________Manhattan. It is a good place to get around and enjoy the beautiful views_______________. Broadway ______________its theatres for over 100years. Have you ____________ the famous musical cats? Don’t miss it. is famous forin the center ofheard of after a hard day’s work post-reading: Be a careful giude

Follow me everybody! I am your guide... Now we come to.... It is very famous, because.... You can see.... You can do many things here, such as.... You will feel.... Enjoy yourselves! post-reading: Be a real guide (小组成员按照每组所抽地点,组长分工每人完成以上导游 词的一句,记录员负责记录,最后由组长整合修改,推选一 人进行汇报。)

Tour Camera Print Europe Asia Africa America What do you think of the website? post-reading: Be a creative guide

Homework 选择一个自己喜欢的城市,收集这个城市的相关信息,将 你感兴趣的内容用英语记录下来,与你的同伴分享。 Today I searched the internet, because I want to know more about_____. It is very famous, because__________________________ __________________________________________________ You can see ______________________________________ You can do many things here, such as_________________ _________________________________________________ You will feel ______________________________________