I can classify baroque music Do Now: What are the three most popular genre’s of music according to this graph? Add numbers to support your answer and RTQ!!!!!
Baroque Music Part
George Friderick Handel
George Frideric Handel Born in Halle, Germany (one month before Bach) –not from a musical family –father wanted him to be a lawyer. –Started off composing opera –wrote music for the Queen of England –Went blind from cataracts at the end of his life. –Buried in Westminster Abbey
Handel - Westminster
The Oratorio Oratorio: –is a large-scale composition for chorus, vocal soloists, and orchestra. –Uses aria and recitatives just like opera Usually lasts approximately 2 hours
The Oratorio Tells a story through singing Unlike opera because there is no acting, scenery, props, or costumes. Most of the stories in oratorios are biblical, although it is not a requirement.
Handel’s Oratorios Stories in the oratorios are generally from the Old Testament of the Bible These were performed for a paying public, not performed for free in church on Sunday. Chorus is the most important part!
Handel’s Messiah The whole work lasts 2 ½ hours. It was composed in just a short 24 days! Premiered in Dublin, Ireland in 1742 as a benefit for people in debtor's prison Only one of Handel’s oratorios to use New Testament verses Tells the story of Jesus’ life from birth to death.
Review Baroque Era
Baroque Forms Opera Aria Recitative Concerto Concerto Grosso Ritornello Form Fugue Suite Chorale Cantata Oratorio
Baroque Terms Unity of Mood Terraced Dynamics Basso Continuo Baroque Orchestra Movement Patron Music Director Libretto Librettist Overture/Prelude Ritornello Tutti Theme
Baroque Listening Examples Pachelbel’s Canon in D – Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by Bach – “Hallelujah Chorus” from The Messiah by George Frederic Handel – ation_201752&feature=iv&src_vid=a1t61aAbgtE&v=Jto NHnR_WhEhttp:// ation_201752&feature=iv&src_vid=a1t61aAbgtE&v=Jto NHnR_WhE
Output Create a short crossword puzzle using these 10 words as answers. Make sure to include “down” and “across” hints. –Fugue –Concerto –Patron –Opera –Terraced Dynamics