National Music: Wagner & Liszt Franz Liszt Richard Wagner
Map 22. 3: The Unification of Germany
Nationalism A people with a Common: Geography, Language, History, Religion, Ethnicity, Culture… Community of the Imagination The “National Project”: Arts: Music, Painting, Literature Folklore, Dance, Costume/Dress History A people with: Common Geography, Language, History, Religion, Ethnicity, Culture
Nationalism & Liberalism, Or… Nationalism & Liberalism, various attempts France, 1789, 1830, 1848, 1871…. Germany, 1830, 1848…. Hungary, 1848…. Italy & Garibaldi…. Great Britain & Reform Nationalism & Or…. Bismark & Germany Italy & Victor Emmanuel
The Fiction of Nationalism Linguistic, Ethnic Intermingling Gr. Brt. -- Scots, Welsh, Cornish, Irish France -- Brittany, Basques Spain -- Basques, Catalan Belgium -- Waloons (Dutch dialect), Flanders (Flemish = French dialect) Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Russian Empire GIVE IT UP!!!!! Everywhere, esp. Central/Easter-Europe: JEWS Lines on a Map & Implications for Future
Map 22.4: Europe in 1871
The Austrian Empire: Toward a Dual Monarchy Post-1848 = re-establish centralized, autocratic Hapsburg rule German-speaking gov’t alienates minorities, esp. Hungarians Ausgleich, Compromise, post Franco- Austrian War Creates a dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary Separate contitutions & gov’t German and Magyars dominate minorities Minority/Nationality prob. persists until WWI Francis Joseph Emperor of Austria/King of Hungary Some things in held in common monarch, army, foreign policy, finances
Ethnic Groups in the Dual Monarchy
Imperial Russia Alexander II, need for reform in face of Crimean defeat Emancipation of serfs, March 3, 1861 Deal w/ backwardness of agriculture, uneducated peasantry (army!) & peasant revolts Problems with emancipation Landowners kept best land Peasants pay for own “freedom” (village commune: mir) Zemstvos (local assemblies) -- nobility dominate Growing dissatisfaction, reform mov’ts, radicals Assassination of Alexander II (1881) Alexander III ( ) Return to traditional methods of repression
Great Britain: The Victorian Age Did not experience revolts in 1848 Reforms , 1860’s = polit. participation Economic growth -- workers’ wages Queen Victoria (1837 – 1901) reflected the age Duty & moral respectability Benjamin Disraeli ( ) -- Tory Extension of voting rights Reform Act, 1867 prop. rq.s, double # voters! William Gladstone (first administration, 1868 – 1874) Liberal reforms: patronage, secret ballot, officers Education Act of universal elem. sch.