Library Outreach in NHS Ayrshire and Arran Susan Cuthbertson Library Service Manager Crosshouse Library
Who uses the service? OccupationBooks/Head/Year Medical staff1.3 Nursing staff0.38 AHPs0.55 Public health1.76 Other0.16 Average0.39 Who do we need to reach? (Statistics from the circulation system on Aleph, )
And from where? BaseBooks/Head/Year Community East0.18 Community North0.11 Community South0.46 Ailsa Hospital0.6 Ayr Hospital0.3 Ayrshire Central Hospital0.2 Biggart Hospital0.11 Crosshouse0.25
Joint initiative with HIRS HIRS looking to set up satellite sites within health centres Agreed pilot project at Cumnock HC (Community East) Liaison initially with health visitors and practice manager Presentations to GPs and staff Follow up with NHS Community Staff Outcomes
Activities that take staff out of the library Roadshows Stalls at Staff Health Day, local conferences Flying Start Workplace training Ward walkabout Journal clubs Mental health service CMHT restructuring
Recent initiatives to raise our profile Current awareness – joint initiative with NHS Lanarkshire, BMJ Evidence Updates Involvement in Service Improvement using Lean methodology
How do our users like to receive news of our service? Results from our recent questionnaire: s on new developments as they occur 73% Visit our intranet site 51% newsletter 40% Library displays/roadshows 13% Paper newsletter 7%
Don’t give up!!