North West Presentation on Conditional Grants and Infrastructure Funds Expenditure for the Second Quarter 2007/08
Introduction This financial report relates to the second quarter expenditure for the 2007/08 financial year. It covers the period 1st April 2007 to the 30th September 2007 Expenditure for this period under review is estimated at 50%.
Provincial Summary – Conditional Grant Funds The conditional grant budget is R (R2 billion) for the 2007/08 financial year. Expenditure on the conditional grants equals 44% of approved budget which is a mere 6% short on the estimated 50%. Based on the funds transferred in terms of the Division of Revenue Act, which amounts to R (R1 billion) the province spent R which equals 88% expenditure.
Provincial Summary – Infrastructure Funds The infrastructure budget equals R (R2.3 billion) for the 2007/08 financial year. Expenditure on the Infrastructure funds equals 43% of approved budget which is a mere 7% short on the estimated 50%. Based on the funds transferred in terms of the Division of Revenue Act, which amounts to R (R1 billion) the province spent R , which equals 92% expenditure.
Provincial Summary – Personnel & Non-Personnel Expenditure The total provincial budget is R with expenditure of R which equals 47% which is 2% more than the same period in the previous financial year when expenditure was at 45%.
Provincial Summary – Personnel & Non-Personnel Expenditure Expenditure on compensation of employees and administrative expenditure is 51% and 54% respectively and is mostly attributed to the budget shortfall based on the demarcation more prevalent within the provincial Department of Education. The Department of Education projected an overspending on personnel expenditure of approximately R1 billion for the current financial year. This estimated over expenditure within the Department of Education is currently being investigated as the provincial treasury is concerned as to why the personnel expenditure remains almost the same as in previous years, despite the fact that an estimated 6000 staff members were transferred to Gauteng and Northern Cape based on the demarcation.
Provincial Summary – Personnel & Non-Personnel Expenditure The personnel expenditure appear to be high at this stage. The provincial treasury are taking precautionary measures to reduce the impact of personnel expenditure in the province by discouraging the departments to appoint additional unnecessary staff that can result in an increased fixed cost over the 2008/09 MTEF. Furthermore, the provincial treasury urged the provincial departments to surrender savings under the compensation of employees to the provincial revenue funds during the adjustment budget.
NW Office of the Premier – Infrastructure Funds The Office of the Premier has spent 42% of their approved budget with the unspent funds already committed to complete the maintenance and construction of four traditional council offices. There was a slight delay in construction of approximately three months, based on the failure to observe occupational health and safety standards at Ba Ga Mankuroane; however construction has resumed as the OHS is now observed. The other three traditional council offices are 98% complete with their claims to be paid during the third quarter.
NW Department of Health The department spent average 48% of their conditional grant and infrastructure funds to date with lowest overall spending of 37% and 39% on National Tertiary and Forensic Pathology Services conditional grants. However, taking into account the funds transferred from National for these two grants, then the department did very well as they then spent 74% and 78% respectively.
NW Department of Health Forensic Pathology Services: –The purchase of vehicles and office R2.7million has been made and payment will be reflected during third quarter. –Tender process for the construction of two new mortuaries commenced. National Tertiary Services expenditure was incurred against another programme and journals would be passed to rectify the expenditure. Hospital Revitalization Grant expenditure is slightly improving although the performance of the contractors at the Moses Kotane and Vryburg Hospitals are still behind schedule. Meetings were held to improve the contractors’ performance which should be visible during the third quarter as special attention is given in monitoring and interacting with the contractors. The department indicated that additional funds may be required for the clinic building programme.
NW Department of Sport, Arts and Culture The department has spent average of 24% of their approved budgets. Except for the conditional grant and archive funding most of the expenditures are in fact transfers to Municipalities and is evaluated and reported on by the department and are closely monitored by the provincial treasury during 2007/08. The spending on the archive building is very slow based on the inability of the first contractor. A new contractor was appointed to complete the project and the department indicated that ±R15 million on this project will be surrendered during the adjustment budget to other departments with infrastructure pressures. The Community Library Services Grant spent a mere 3% as a result of the late planning, tendering procedures, staff recruitment and training; which will be finalized with appointments being made during the third quarter.
NW Economic Development and Tourism The department has spent 0% of their approved budget which is a grave area of concern. The lack of project management and planning expertise and capacity within the department to manage and drive development projects. The department further failed to provide the required infrastructure business plans for the 2007/08 projects and only submitted at the end of August beginning September The Infrastructure plans was approved and this resulted in cash flows only made available for infrastructure projects during September 2007 and expenditure would be reflected during the third quarter. However, it is highly unlikely that the department will spend their full infrastructure budget during 2007/08. The department agreed that any estimated unused funds will be surrendered during the adjustment budget to fund shortfalls or pressures on other infrastructure projects within other provincial departments.
NW Department of Education The department’s expenditure of 44% is fairly on track at this stage, with overall low expenditure of 22%, 24% and 28% on the School building programme, HIV/AIDS and Infrastructure conditional grants respectively. Taking into account the funds transferred from national then the expenditure equals 43%, 62% and 56%. Final accounts on the infrastructure projects are being expedited and would be paid during the third quarter and contractors commenced during September to complete the school building projects regarding sanitation based on delayed planning and tendering. Budget pressures exist based on schools that were damaged in the disaster-struck areas. The main concern is that the department estimated an over expenditure on the National School Nutrition Programme conditional grant that negatively impacts on the school feeding scheme and assistance is required from the National Department of Education. Although weaknesses exist in terms of project management expertise and staff the intervention of the (IDIP) programme is already assisting to address and bridge the required capacity constraints.
NW Department of Local Government and Housing The Department has spent 47% on their conditional grant and infrastructure funds. The zero expenditure on the Disaster management funds are a concern. The approved business plans are awaited and the department awaits the MOA’s from the four district municipalities as well as the confirmed tendering procedures from the municipalities to effect future payments. The department indicated that these funds are committed to projects that will commence during the third quarter.
NW Department of Transport, Roads and Community Safety The Department has spent 43% of their approved funds and indicated that the current funds might be exhausted by early during the fourth quarter. Some EPWP and maintenance projects were slightly delayed; contractors are now on site resulting in improvement progress and delivery with expenditure trends to normalize during the third quarter. The department has indicated that additional funds can be utilized to address some urgent pressing resealing and rehabilitation of roads during this year.
NW Department of Public Works The Department of has spent 52% of their approved funds. The shortage of professionally skilled personnel in areas such as engineering, architecture, quantity surveyors, etc. and inability to recruit and retain technical staff is still a major challenge. The department have recruited three professionals already through the IDIP process which is paid by the provincial treasury as part of capacity building and skill transfer project and improvement is envisaged during the year. Program managers were duly appointed as an interim solution to assist and to manage the infrastructure projects and monthly meetings with client departments is revived. The department are supportive of the Infrastructure Delivery Improvement Programme (IDIP) and apart from this department; the fruits of this programme are seen within the department of Education and Health.
NW Department of Social Development The Department has spent 12% of their infrastructure funds. The late start on the new facilities such as the Victim Empowerment centres and the Children’s homes resulted in under spending at this stage. The third Secure Care Centre in Bojanala is under construction and running smoothly with completion during 2007/08. However, it is doubtful that the department will spend all their funds during this year and may have to surrender some funds during the adjustment budget.
NW Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment The Department of has spent 25% their funds, which is below the estimated 50%. Project coordination unit was strengthened through the appointment of three agricultural engineers/technicians to improve delivery as from third quarter. Crop production farmers will be supported by mechanization packages and through advanced training for tractor operators. Some agricultural projects are dependant on seasons such as dry land crop production mainly from October to May therefore expenditure can only be realized during this period. The delay in compiling the specifications and completion of surveys for the Fire Belts programme is resolved and the procurement processes are being finalized and contractors are to be appointed. The Nguni Cattle Development projects was delayed based on the access to land; however discussions were held with the Provincial Land Reform office with a view of pro-actively acquiring land and allocating it to potential Nguni project beneficiaries in future. The design plans and specifications for the multipurpose livestock handling facilities are completed with tenders for construction of pounds in adjudication phase and the contractors to be appointed in November The concern still exists on whether the approved budgeted amount will be spent this year, despite the above mentioned actions that was be implemented. The department might have to consider surrendering some funds during the adjustment budget or bring future planned projects forward.
The NW provincial treasury enhanced budgetary and cash flow controls with improved monthly and quarterly performance reports to monitor the impact on service delivery and actual expenditure on conditional grants and infrastructure/development funds. There is constant improvement in the conditional grant and infrastructure funds spending based on the supporting interventions by the provincial treasury and the commitment of the provincial departments to improve their service delivery and spending. The monthly expenditure and quarterly performance reports obtained from the provincial departments allow the provincial treasury to monitor, intervene and assist in the improvement of service delivery and to verify compliance in terms of the legislative frameworks such as the Division of Revenue Act, PFMA, etc. The rollout of the Infrastructure Delivery Improvement Programme (IDIP) within the province and the active involvement of the Provincial Treasury with the Provincial Departments of Education, Public Works and Health and the National Treasury definitely revealed positive results in the infrastructure planning, delivery and management. Concluding Remarks
THANK YOU The current financial pressure within the Department of Education is being investigated by the provincial treasury to verify actual expenditure, confirm the personnel headcount and a detailed analysis and means to normalize expenditure trends. The NW provincial treasury will continue to meet provincial departments regularly to facilitate the acquiring of resources, requisite skills to improve budget planning and spending capacity and to address areas where there are risks of both over and under spending. Concluding Remarks