Starting a Job Club Jutta Gebauer, M.Ed., M.L.I.S. Teacher Librarian Denver South High School Denver Public Schools
Why a Job Club? Future Center – college applications Social Worker, Psychologist, School Counselors – social/emotional needs, academic support AVID classes – college prep for 1st generation Students hanging out after school Who is offering coaching for job search and career development?
Job Clubs exist everywhere! Workforce Centers Universities Public libraries Community Centers Churches Online Why not in a comprehensive high school?
Why the School Library? A place for students to congregate after school Library print and online sources available Computers and printers are readily available (research, resumes, online applications) An opportunity to teach proper research skills
The coaches Teacher Librarian/Career Counselor Guiding students to online/print sources for job search research, career exploration and development, coaching Goodwill Case worker Job development/placement, coaching, referral
Recruiting the players School Activity Fair School Video news report Signs posted in building Referral from school staff Peer-to-peer recruitment Word of mouth 50 students signed up to join the club!
Batter Up! 25 showed up for the first meeting! Play ball! 8-10 attending consistently Getting organized Agenda of the day Forming the team – topics/projects to work on What do players hope to learn?
Rules of the Game Importance of establishing protocol/structure All players on deck (start on time, sign in, check in) Batting order – everyone takes turns Individual job placement meetings – 3 strikes and you’re out!
Season Highlights Presentations by career professionals Hiring events with recruiters Incentives for attendance, applications completed, interviews Ongoing internships Job shadow opportunities
Baseball is as American as Apple Pie and the Fourth of July! But are the rules of baseball obvious to all? Diversity issues Orienting clients unfamiliar with American rules of business to successfully enter the job market
Denver South High School Student population represented by 65 countries 40 languages Are we serving our students’ diverse needs?
Let’s share ideas! Jutta Gebauer, M.Ed, M.L.I.S. Teacher Librarian Denver Public Schools