e-LSEE, Villems, Muuli, From national projects to the international ones with the help of ECOLE Project Anne Villems Viktor Muuli
e-LSEE, Villems, Muuli, Who has participated in international collaborative projects?
e-LSEE, Villems, Muuli, Think and tell us! How many teachers from your school have participated in national projects? … international projects? ☞
e-LSEE, Villems, Muuli, How many teachers at your school have participated: …in national collaborative projects? …in international collaborative projects? Norway Finland Czech Republic Latvia Estonia
e-LSEE, Villems, Muuli, EU Comenius in Estonia 64 schools have participated during in Comenius activities Only 4 have been project coordinators In addition there exists friendship school movement
e-LSEE, Villems, Muuli, Many problems with international projects Experience Teamwork Finding partners Language problems Intercultural problems Find a project to participate Fit the project into curriculum …etc.
e-LSEE, Villems, Muuli, What is ECOLE? European COllaborative LEarning network Comenius 3 project Roots in European School Project (from 1998) 10 institutions from: The Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, Spain, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Portugal and Slovenia
e-LSEE, Villems, Muuli, Best club Join ECOLE Best Club ECOLE Best Club is a meeting point for the teachers with valuable international project experience and those who are on their way to start cooperation on international level
e-LSEE, Villems, Muuli, Adopters and Chasm, by G. Moore ChasmSecond Crack First Crack Innovators 2 Early adopters 3 The early majority 4 The late majority 5 Laggards (Enthusiasts) (Visionaries) (Pragmatists) (Conservatives) (skeptics)
e-LSEE, Villems, Muuli, Evaluation As tool to overcome chasm To help create stable, regular projects Helps to improve existing projects Helps to understand, where we are just now
e-LSEE, Villems, Muuli, Help us Please send us questionaires, you are using Other examples, how you evaluate your projects
e-LSEE, Villems, Muuli, Questions?