UNICA EC PROJECTS Arthur Mettinger
PROJECTS Joint LLL and Tempus service contract: Information Project on Higher Education Reform III Leonardo da Vinci: Be-TWIN, Testing a Joint ECVET-ECTS Implementation Erasmus Mundus: European Campus -Enhancing Overseas Student Mobility Erasmus Accompanying Measures: ExchangeAbility - Fostering Mobility of Students with Disabilities Erasmus Multilateral Project University-Business Cooperation: INENTER – Improving the Placements & Internships from Academia to Enterprises
HE Reform III Contract Period: Dec 2009 – Dec 2011 Consortium: UNICA (coordinator)-BES UNICA share - 2 years: € (Total budget: € ) Main objectives: 5 training seminars (2-3 days) including workshops for the Bologna Experts and the Higher Education Reform Experts, Additional coordination and networking activities, Preparation of relevant information material (upgrading web pages, gathering relevant ppt presentations, brochures etc.), 5 regional workshops (1-2 days) in Tempus partner countries (Tbilisi, Tirana, Moscow, Barcelona & Almaty) Selection and provision of experts for specific HE Reform related missions in the Tempus partner countries
HE Reform III Seminars Tallinn & Tallinn University of Technology, 7-9 June 2010: ‘Recognition in HE: How to make it work!’ University of Cyprus, November 2010: ‘The Social Dimension of HE: Building Excellence & Equity’ Erasmushogeschool Brussel/VUB, March: Mobility University of Oslo, 6-8 June 2011 University of Lisbon, October 2011 : Employability Experts form UNICA universities have provided their expertise in the framework of this project.
Tallinn Seminar
Be-TWIN Coordinator: Chambre de Commerce de Paris Ile-de-France Contract period: March 2009 – Feb 2012 UNICA coordinated WP 2 (Methodology) and participates in WP 6 (Dissemination) UNICA share - 3 years: € (Total budget: € 566,270) Objectives: Testing a Joint ECVET-ECTS Implementation Creating translation tools for reaching common goals of transparency, mobility and recognition.
Erasmus Mundus: European Campus Contract Period: Nov – Nov Coordinator: UNICA UNICA share - 2 years: € (Total budget: € 262,800) Pilot G roup: Partners:
Main Objectives Enhancing attractiveness for overseas students Promoting transparency in finding information Collecting Master courses information in a coherent way Collecting attractive stories from students, professors, spin-offs Providing European-wide search tools for students
ExchangeAbility Contract Period: Nov – Oct UNICA share – 1 year: € (Total budget € ) Consortium members: UNICA (Coordinator) Erasmus Student Network (BE) University of Cyprus (CY) Tallinn University of Technology (EE) Eötvös Lorand University Budapest (HU) Comenius University Bratislava (SK) Erasmushogeschool Brussel (BE)
Main objectives Increase the participation of disabled students in mobility programmes: ‘ExchangeAbility Ambassadors’ Promotion of active citizenship and community participation among young people Common dialogue, exchange of best practices, awareness raising & multiplying effect
Main outcomes Site visits to all partner universities Collection of good practices & multiplying effect Website and Blog connected to social media Audiovisual material: site visits, interviews & testimonials Final Café Event
INENTER Contract period: Oct – Sept UNICA share – 2 years: € (Total budget: € ) Partners University of Cyprus (CY) (coordinator) UNICA (BE) Tallinn University (EE) Vilnius University (LT) Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE) University of Warsaw (PL) Université de Lausanne (CH) University of Vienna (AT) University of Zagreb (HR) University of Latvia (LV) European Association of Erasmus Coordinators-EAEC (CY), Chambre de Commerce & d' Industrie de Paris (FR), EUE-net / MAC Team (BE),
Main objectives Developing a quality strategy for improving internships and placements of students of all levels in enterprises. Promoting better communication and cooperation between Enterprises and Academia, with emphasis on placement of students Enhancing cooperation of research activity of postgraduate students involving enterprises.
EC Projects: Outcomes for UNICA Increase visibility of the Network; Involvement of UNICA experts and universities; Support the development of the Bologna Process; Face-to-face relations with the European Commission; Support members in co-operative projects; UNICA staff for the projects’ management.