Eugenia Kazamaki Ottersten JASPERS Support to non-major projects, programme schemes and horizontal actions Eugenia Kazamaki Ottersten Head of Smart Development Ralf Goldmann Head of Energy and Solid Waste Brussels, 10th November 2015
JASPERS 2014 – 2020: Expanded function Geography – Sector – Instruments Advisory JASPERS Classic Effective advice in countries of activity PREPARATION SUPPORT IQR support to MS PSA support to DGREGIO Effective exchange in EU28 INDEPENDENT QUALITY REVIEW NETWORKING & COMPETENCE CENTER Reg 1303/2013 Art. 102(1) ADVISORY HUB IPA, CEF, other
JASPERS non-major support JASPERS non major project experience Borderline projects (i.e. projects close to major) Non-major but strategic enough (i.e. almost major projects in small countries) JASPERS horizontal experience Guidance on CBA Methodology, state aid, climate change, implementation support for various sectors, guidance on bundled projects/programs, capacity building, development of good practices, strategic development i.e. smart specialisation strategies, sector master plans etc. JASPERS program support Assistance to bundled projects under a framework JASPERS Special Instruments Pilot/innovative projects – urban development (ITI) /smart cities Projects via Advisory Hub Challenge: strategic context/framework vs individual projects
JASPERS Assistance New challenges, opportunities, issues to consider Assistance to non-major projects depends on country/sector needs Objectives and output of JASPERS involvement to be defined with MA No definitive predetermined project thresholds etc. (i.e. non major projects and programs) JASPERS support needs to be reasonable and efficient Support to "horizontal" projects e.g. where ICT is an enabler for other services (example: smart cities) Support to other multi-sector/integrated approaches (example: ITI) Depending what they need, also horizontal activities, example CBA
Example: Evaluation of public RDI projects Latvia; foreseen in 2016-2017 Advisory support to public RDI projects: 5-10 projects; a total cost of EUR 100m Request from Ministry of Education and Science to provide support with evaluation of the projects Scope of JASPERS support: Workshops on project preparation addressed to project promoters Support to evaluation of public research infrastructure business plans (thresholds individually agreed with the Ministry) In-depth analysis of individual research projects of total cost > EUR 25m a new project in the JASPERS Action Plan to follow Detailed analysis of 2-3 project under the umbrella of the scheme for projects b/w EUR 10m– EUR 25m (guidance note) Review of common outstanding /problematic issues (through workshops) for projects < EUR 10m This slide describes only the advice provided to projects. There is equally a preceeding assignment where JASPERS will provide: Recommendations and advice to the Ministry of Education and Science about the evaluation of public research infrastructure projects; - Advice to the Ministry on particular elements, which need to be considered at the stage of the preparation of selection criteria (including relevance to RIS3 goal attainment, justification of public investment, environmental impact assessment, state aid, economic impact assessment etc.). Please note also that the number of 2-3 projects can be increased subject to mutual understanding.
PPP Healthcare scheme – Poland (ongoing) Supporting “blended” health care investment projects (ESIF + PPP) JASPERS support to Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure to date: Launching the call Advisory on project assessment (outcome: selection of 10 potential PPP projects of a total value of EUR 350-400m) Next: Scope of JASPERS support depends on actual needs of the Ministry / project promoters. It may include: Review of ToRs to select individual consultants Workshop on components of analysis Review of project documentation MRDI – Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure
Assistance to develop a smart specialisation strategy (Romania, Malta) Example I Romania Smart specialisation strategy is an ex ante conditionality of the OP development process JASPERS provided assistance to identify national priorities for the smart specialisation strategy This exercise tied in with lessons learnt through JASPERS reviews - built on the analysis of the RDI-based growth potential and - modern foresight methods which were the main inputs for the national strategy, particularly regarding the selection of the thematic priorities. The assignment included profiling of project interventions The process is linked to the Partnership Agreement development; monitoring and review to follow at a later stage Example II Malta JASPERS to provide similar support; independent review of the existing draft smart speciliasation strategy document The assistance was directed to ANCSI (National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation of Romania). The key objective of the assignment was to contribute to the development of the National RDI strategy based on smart specialization. The strategy is supposed to define a policy mix focusing on a limited number of priorities and is based on a strong partnership between businesses, public entities and knowledge institutions. The "quality" of this partnership is essential for its success. The assignment had three main phases: Analysis of the existing situation of the Romanian RD&I system in order to identify main features of the national RD&I system, identifying main priorities for Romanian RD&I system to respond to the needs of local and global markets and the analysis of the RDI-based growth potential. As a result of this exercise, the following areas have been identified: ICT, security and space, Energy, environment and climate change, Eco, nano technologies and advanced materials, Health and Bioeconomy. Profiling of project interventions – identification of project types that can be financed under each priority Monitoring and review mechanism for the strategy.
Energy Efficiency in Buildings - Romania Preparation of an investment programme for thermal rehabilitation of residential buildings (large blocks of flats) built in 1950 – 1990 in large Romanian cities JASPERS support to the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration: Developing a (pilot) funding scheme based on ERDF Advise on eligibility and selection criteria, expected energy performance, scope of investments and standard unit costs, economic and financial return, Applicant’s Guide, tender documents, project management structure, quality control guidelines Total size of the funding scheme: EUR 300 million Implementation in years 2013 – 2015 Pilot scheme is covering all Romanian regions, in total ca. 80,000 apartments Based on the pilot scheme, a new and extended scheme is set up for the 2014 – 2020 programming period, with a total budget of ca. EUR 1,100 million
Example: Preparations for implementation in Energy sector 2014-2020 in PL Support for implementation of Energy sector activities in Poland in the 2014-2020 framework. Request from Ministry of Economy in Poland to provide support with ex-ante conditionalities for energy sector. Scope of JASPERS is to support national authorities in using EU funds for the development of energy sector by providing expert support, analysis, recommendations mainly focusing on: Activities focused on project Pipeline for energy sector and assistance related with assessment of fulfilling the ex- ante conditionality. Assistance related with the development of selection criteria for projects included on project pipeline.
Smart Grid investment support strategy for the EU funding period 2014-2020 Preparations of an horizontal study on Smart Grid to enhance the penetration of such typology of projects in energy sector during 2014-2020 programming period. Elaboration of countries specific case and proposed methodology for Poland and Romania. The general objective of study was the definition of a Smart Grid assessment framework in order to allow proper support to national authorities and beneficiary during 2014-2020 MFF the outcome was: Characterization of a Smart Grid investment in connection with EC Infrastructure Regulation No 347/2013 with relevant smart asset and smart functionalities. Eligibility criteria and proposed assessment methodology. Smart Grid assessment tool that can be tailored according Managing Authorities needs.
Energy Efficiency in Buildings - Croatia Preparation of an investment programme for energy efficiency renovation and use of RES in public and residential buildings, private service (tourism and trade) and manufacturing industry sectors JASPERS support to the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds: Development of an energy efficiency scheme in line with OP Competitiveness and Cohesion Advise on eligibility and selection criteria, expected energy performance and level of renovation based on the cost optimal level calculations of buildings, Applicant’s Guide, tender documents, project management structure, quality control guidelines Total size of the funding scheme (2014 – 2020) Public and residential buildings (including RE): EUR 432 million Private service and manufacturing industry (including RE): EUR 165 million Based on the pilot scheme, a new and extended scheme is set up for the 2014 – 2020 programming period, with a total budget of ca. EUR 1,100 million
Eugenia Kazamaki Ottersten Thank you! Eugenia Kazamaki Ottersten Ralf Goldmann 12