Parliamentary VS Presidential Two Types of Democracies Parliamentary Democracies Citizens vote for representatives in the legislature. The representatives in the legislature then vote from among themselves a leader. Presidential Democracies Citizens vote for representatives in the legislature AND for a leader of the country. The citizens vote in BOTH types of democracies.
Unitary A Type of government that has one national government that makes the laws for the whole country. There may be local governments, but they only enforce the laws Federal A Type of government that has one national government and multiple governments. BOTH make and enforce laws. Confederation A collection of countries, like a club, that untie together to make laws, decisions and to solve problems. Two types: governmental (Ex: UN) and economic (EU) National Government Local Gov’t Ex: UN, EU, AU, ECOWAS, OPEC US GB Iraq Saudi Arabia Japan India How Is Power Divided? If you are in this “club” then you follow the rules and decisions of “the club.”
Do the Citizens Vote? No = Autocracy (Dictator, Theocracy, Monarchy) Yes = Democracy (Republic, sometimes Constitutional Monarchy) Sometimes (only if you are part of the group!) = Oligarchy Communism and Military Junta