MY PICTURES By: Lucía Pacheco
This painting is of a river and sunset by me in the year 2009
This painting is a sunset at sea by me in the year 2012
This painting is about shadows by me in the year 2014
This painting is my Arabic name by me in the year 2014
This painting is my Chinese name by me in the year 2014
This painting is a Mandala by me in the year 2014
This painting is about the Corpse Bride By me in the year 2014
This painting is about a woman by my dad in the year 1978
This painting is about a mountain by my dad in the year1979
This painting is about muy mum by my dad in the year1988
This painting is about a girl in a field by my dad in the year 1988
This painting is of muy dad and my mum by my dad in the year1989
Besides painting I also have many drawings In the year 2009 In the year 2010 In the year 2013 In the year 2014
and some crafts Ski-crafts