1 What is Programming Language? A language that is acceptable to computer system is called as Computer Language or Programming Language Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra
2 Types of Programming Languages Machine-Level Assembly-Level High-Level
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 3 Machine-Level Language Only Lang understood by computer Consist of 0’s and 1’s It has two part format Opcode It tells computer what function to perform Operand It tells where to find or store the data, or other instructions
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 4 Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages Faster Execution Disadvantages Machine dependent Difficult to program Error prone Difficult to modify
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 5 Assembly Language Designed in 1952 Alphanumeric mnemonics codes instead of numeric codes for instructions Each line consists of 4 columns [Label] [;comment] Example Label Opcode Operand Comment BEGIN ADD A,B ;Add B to A
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 6 Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages Easy to understand & use Easy to correct and locate errors Easy to modify Disadvantages Machine dependent Knowledge of h/w required
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 7 Assembler InputOutput Assembly Lang Program Machine Lang Program or m/c code or object code Definition: Converts Assembly Lang program into it’s equivalent machine Lang program
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 8 High-Level Languages Overcome limitations of Low level Languages( Machine & Assembly Language)
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 9 Compiler InputOutput High-Level Lang Program/source program eg. Hello.c Machine Lang Program /object program eghello.exe Translate high levele lang. instructions into m/c lang. instructions
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 10 Interpreter Result Source program Interpreter ( Translates & Executes statement-by-statement) Fig. Role of Interpreter Translates statement-by-statement instruction into machine Lang & immediately executes resulting Machine Lang instruction Data
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 11 Linker Source File 1Source File 2Source File 3 Compiler Object File 1Object File 2Object File 3 Compiler Linker Program Library Executable File Fig. Role of Linker
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 12 Loader Loader is component of compiler Locates given program in offline storage Loads into main memory for execution
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 13 Advantages of High level Lang. Machine Independent Easy to Learn and Use Less Errors Disadvantages Lower Efficiency
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 14 FORTRAN FORmula TRANslation. Designed for scientific and mathematical applications by scientists and engineers. Fortan is refered as scientific language First high level language, using first complier Algebra based language General purpose and procedural language Oldest HLL BY JOHN BACKUS Initial release of FORTAN is for IBM 704contained 32 statement. American Standard Association (ANSI)formed a committee to develop FORTRAN
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 15 COBOL COmmon Business Oriented Language. Developed in 1959 (Conference on Data System languages) Best File handling capability Typically used for business applications. It is Self documenting, truly connotative ie permits both long names (up to 30 characters) and word connector char (dashes) It has large set of class libraries offers object oriented features, visual programming languages. Integration with world wide web.
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 16 BASIC Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. Today, it is not used to develop the programs but used to teach fundamentals of programming Interpreted language BASIC allows Loops, input from keyboard, MENU driven application, Structured programming. Programme Structures REM PRINT END Example PRINT “ HELLO WORD” END
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 17 Pascal ● Named after French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal. ● It is imperative and Procedural Programming language. ● It is strongly typed block structured programming language ● Start with keyword begin ● Teaching Lang. ● Platform independent ● Used for scientific computational appl. ● PASCAL Program : PROGRAM HelloWorld; BEGIN WRITELN(“HELLOWORLD”); END
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 18 SNOBOL ● String Oriented And Symbolic Language ● It is a text string oriented languages, Oriented towards string data handling. ● It has the facility of pattern matching ● SNOBOL 4 has no type declaration and no restriction on data type so it is dynamically typed. ● Interpretive Language i.e compiler translates program into a notation that the interpreter can easily execute. ● Used as research tool rather than commercial application. ● Used for analysis of Literature and music. ● Computer experts use SNOBOL for database programme.
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 19 C Developed at Bell Laboratories in the 1972 by Dennis Ritchie. Provides efficiency of assembly language while having third generation language features. Often used for system programs. UNIX is written in C. Easy to learn and use Rich set of in built functions
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 20 C++ Developed by Bjarne Stroupstrup in 1983 It is C language with additional features. Object oriented language Designed for Unix system // title of the program //comment # include Void main() { Cout<<“hello world”; }
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 21 JAVA Developed by Sun Microsystem in 1991 An object-oriented language Platform independent Jvm is m/c dependent Java is complied into special machine code called byte code and because of byte code java does not perform as fast as c++. Applications Used to create WWW applets Used for cross platform application development to create network applications.
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 22 LISP ● LISt Processing Language ● Language based on lambda calculus. (Mathematical notation for expressing functions.) ● Oldest HLL second to Fortran. ● Permit the use of recursion ● Used in AI research
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 23 MATLAB MATrix LABoratory Possesses tools for building custom GUI Includes mathematical functions Linear algebra, Fourier analysis, numerical integration USE Image & signal processing It is also known as language of technical computation. In this C, C++, java or excel code can be integrated. 2D & 3D visualization options are given for better representation of results
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 24 Octave (Gnu octave) Open source free license software. Same as MATLAB. All commands which work in MATLAB can be used in this software. ADVANTAGES Works on Windows as well as Linux. Can give 2D & 3D graphics views. DISADVANTAGES Newly arrived software so may contain bugs. Lack of proper support. Performance is not proved till now.
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 25 Scripting Lang A scripting language is a form of programming language that is usually interpreted rather than compiled.interpretedcompiled Used for web development Examples: Javascript,vbscript,html etc Used for writing scripts Used to create GUI & forms in search engines, web based Eg: java script, VB script,ASP,JSP, perl, ruby,tcl,shell & python
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 26 Scripting languages Advantages Easier to write code than in compiled lang. Minimum prog. Knowledge is required Allow rapid development & can communicate easily with program written in other lang. Editing & running scripting code is fast Limitation More time required for interpretation. Hard to debug as no development environment is available by default All script. Lang. not supported by all system. S.L are text based it is easy to modify & break by others
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 27 Characteristics of Good PL Portability –M/c independent Simple & readable. Reliability Performance Reusability Modularity Structured programming
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 28 Selecting Language for Coding Selecting Lang out of many available Languages for coding an Application depending on following factors Nature of Application-if the application is O.S intensive go for C,C++. If app. Is O.S independent go for java Familiarity with Lang Ease of Learning Lang When developing wed page go for JSP. Execution Efficiency
Prepared by Mrs.Deepa Mishra 29 Subprograms Subroutine is a set of instructions that perform a specific task for a main routine & transfer control back to main routine Addition(x,y) //code to perform intended task header body