CAPPS – May 2001 Welcome!!
Progress!! Project 1 – The effects of fertilization and competition control on carbon and nutrient allocation, leaf area efficiency, and light interception and the physiology of loblolly pine plantations Several presentations will be given today to update you on some of the progress that has been made to date
Progress!! Project 2 – Solid wood production in intensively managed loblolly pine plantations with individual tree taper, weight and volume relationships Destructively sampled trees have been obtained from both sites Individual tree taper, volume and weight equations have been developed (presentation/technical report today) Individual tree crown biomass functions have been developed (presentation today)
Progress!! Project 2 (cont) All thinning/pruning regimes have been installed at both locations Chips were produced with trees removed in thinnings at both sites and have been in cold storage A TIP3 project has been funded to make paper and evaluate treatment impacts on paper quality
Pruning Operation – Hand Saws
HF - Thinned age 10 – Waycross, GA Picture is at age 11
H – Thinned/Pruned Age 10 Picture – Age 11
Progress!! Project 3 – Localizing growth and yield models for intensively managed loblolly pine Modeling at the stand level has been proceeding in conjunction with PMRC data bases – a detailed presentation of progress to date will be given on Wednesday Models for “full blown” intensive management are being developed and will be made available to CAPPS cooperators as soon as they are tested further
Progress!! Project 4 – Basic wood properties of intensively managed loblolly pine plantations Wood quality characteristics have been evaluated for trees harvested from both Waycross and Eatonton sites. Alex Clarke reported on the Waycross results last year and will report on the Eatonton results this morning Gary Peter will also report on wood quality characteristics of CAPPS trees – Note that this study was funded as a TIP3 project last year
Progress!! CAPPS Web Site The CAPPS web site is ready to go up! It will be similar to the PMRC web site in that members will be able to get to the members section with a password Members will be able to download – study plans, technical reports, journal articles resulting from technical reports, presentations given at meetings You will also be able to Yujia for data requests
Southern Silviculture Conference A special session was held at this year’s southern silviculture conference – 5 loblolly pine intensive management studies from throughout the Southern U.S. were discussed (CAPPS, IMPACT (Univ of FL – Biology Cooperative), SETRES (NC State), An Intensively Managed Thinning/Fertilization Study in LA (J.L. Chambers) and an Intensively Managed Thinning Study in OK (T. Hennessey, P. Dougerty)
Southern Silviculture Conference A common set of relationships were presented for each of the studies – A special paper including each of the studies as well as the pine fertigation study on the IP research forest near Bainbridge, Georgia is in progress – it will be published in Forest Ecology and Management
Business Items Original Membership – 13 companies each contributing $8000/year IP Champion Temple-Inland Boise Cascade The Timber Company Rayonier Mead Coated Board Westvaco Gilman Jefferson Smurfit Weyerhaeuser US Alliance Union Camp
Business Items First year total contributions of $104,000 received Second year due to Union Camp purchase by IP we only received $96,000 ($8,000 deficit)
Business Items Current Members IP Temple-Inland Boise Cascade The Timber Company Rayonier Mead Coated Board Westvaco Weyerhaeuser Champion (paid dues last year – IP this year) Jefferson Smurfit (paid last year – out this year) US Alliance (paid last year – out this year) Gilman Paper (paid last year – out this year)
Business Items As of this date we will have 8 cooperators for the remaining 2 years of our initial CAPPS effort We have two possible additions – GP, and UBS Dues will have to be increased to $12000 per cooperator (this translates to $96,000 with 8 members, $108,000 if we have one additional cooperator)
2000 Growing Season Measuremnts As always, the CAPPS plots were measured after the last growing season The oldest age information is now 14 years at Waycross and 13 years at B.F. Grant A Technical report with the summarized whole stand characteristics is available today. I will hit some of the highlights below
Waycross Dry Site
Waycross Wet Site
Eatonton - Powerline Note that relationships at both Eatonton sites are very similar – therefore I will just present graphs for the powerline site
Eatonton - Powerline
Future Projects for CAPPS? Questions/Comments?