In the U.S.A. we use a lot of languages but the most common is English. I use English.
There are many religions in the united states by the most common is Christianity. My family and I are christens. We believe in Jesus and that he sent his son to die for our sins.
There are many kind of clothes in the U.S. but the very best is summer clothes. I like to wear t-shirts and shorts
In the U.S. there are many food but my favorite thing is a cheeseburger, fries, and a milkshake. That is the best food ever
There are many kinds of house in the U.S. I have a two story with some A.C.
There are a lot of holidays in the year. My favorites are Easter and Christmas.
Many people are from different places like China. I am from the United States. I am not foreran.
There are many kinds of music in the U.S. My favorite is christen music.
There are many kinds of art in the United States. I like to sketch.
There are many kinds or literature in the world. My favorite is poems.
There are many family history moments in my life. My favorite two are getting saved and getting to know that we are related to William Clark.
In are government we have a Mr. P who is Barack Obama. In the government there are three branches the Executive,Leglislative,and Judicial.
My routine is Eat,Sleep,Go to School, and Play HOCKEY.
One of my favorite family tradition is to go Buck hunting with my dad and friend.
The End