Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Material Science and Technology in Trnava Manager ethics Discrimination and Equal Opportunity
What is discrimination? How can we identify discrimination as the cause of racial disparities? What policies have been implemented to reduce discrimination?
What is discrimination? Three elements: Factual element: any distinction, exclusion or preference Prohibited grounds: race, colour, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction, social origin and any other ground identified at the national level Negative effect on equality of opportunity and treatment (whether or not intended)
What is discrimination? Any discrimination whether it is In law or in practice Direct or indirect
Examples: Direct discrimination Job advertisement excluding applicants of a certain gender, age or complexion Practice of hiring only persons of a certain ethnicity Exclusion from certain public sector jobs due to political opinion, religion or ethnic origin
Examples: Direct discrimination Exclusion of women to enter the police force or fire brigades Restricting working time of women, e.g. overtime Restricting women’s access to certain occupation
Indirect discrimination Apparently neutral law or practice which has a disproportionate negative impact on a particular group protected by the Convention or by national legislation, and which has no objective job-related justification.
Examples: Indirect discrimination Height or language requirements that are unrelated to job Working time arrangements that impair equal opportunities of persons with family responsibilities Exclusion from domestic worker from labour legislation
Prohibited grounds of discrimination: Sex/gender discrimination Race and colour National extraction Political opinion Social origin Religion Age Disability State of health Family responsibilities Sexual orientation Nationality Trade union affiliation
What is not discrimination? Inherent requirements of the job Measures affecting an individual who is suspected of or engaged in activities prejudicial to the security of the State Special measures of protection and assistance
The pay gap Productivity related differences Job availability Job selection Pay structure Perceived labour costs Lack of awareness
Permissible pay differences Based on objective differences in the work performed Based on non-sex-based factors such as: Seniority Education Qualifications Experience Productivity
Methods of wage determination: Legislation Public service wage classifications Collective agreements Wage directives from wage boards Custom and practice Individual contracts
The ILO and equality “All human beings, irrespective of race, creed or sex, have the rights to pursue both their material well-being and their spiritual development in conditions of freedom and dignity, of economic security and equal opportunity”
ILO principles of equality of opportunity and treatment between men and women It is a matter of human rights. It is a matter of social justice and poverty alleviation. It is a matter of social and economic development.
Gender mainstreaming It is the strategy of introducing a gender perspective in all areas and at all levels. Any policy, project, programme and activity must integrate the gender dimension as an integral component of the pursued strategy.
Common forms of discrimination Jobs or occupations with a female denomination Under-evaluation of certain jobs or occupations Invisibility of the qualities, tasks, skills & efforts Vertical & horizontal occupational segregation
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