USCG NAVIGATION CENTER NAVCEN and GPS CGSIC IISC European Meeting Prague, Czech Republic 14 March 2005 Rebecca M. Casswell Chief, GPS Branch
Constellation Status Interference Reporting NAVCEN Mirror Site U.S. NDGPS Topics
Constellation Summary Since 1 Jan operational on-orbit satellites 3 satellites launched –SVN59(PRN19): 20 Mar 04 –SVN60(PRN23): 23 Jun 04 –SVN61(PRN02): 6 Nov 04 Next launch- May 2005
2341 SVN (PRN) 2341 Clock* Wheel * II/IIA = Rb, Rb, Cs, Cs IIR = Rb, Rb, Rb Diagonal Line = Unhealthy launch date Clock meets spec watch list dead unused in use Wheel functional watch list dead GPS Space and Control Clock and Reaction Wheel Performance Status (as of 22 Nov 2004)
GPS Positions 22 November 04
Constellation Performance All Errors Based on Dual Frequency, Signal in Space Only. Information Presented Reflects Data Collected During the Period from January 1, 2004 to August 31, Thresholds Provided Reflect Average Location Requirements from SPS Signal Specification Dated October, PDOP Availability: Requirement - PDOP of 6 or Less, 98% of the Time or Better Actual % Horizontal Service Availability Requirement - 95% Threshold of 36 meters, 99% of the Time or Better Actual – 2.75 meters Vertical Service Availability Requirement - 95% Threshold of 77 meters, 99% of the Time or Better Actual – 3.98 meters User Range Error Requirement - 6 meters or Less, Constellation Average Actual meters (excluding SVN23 anomaly, 1 Jan 04)
Data Broadcasts Subscription services that deliver Operational Advisory Broadcast (GPS Status Messages) and/or the Notice Advisory to NAVSTAR Users (NANU) via List servers. 1.GPS Status List server: This service provides the subscriber with an containing the newly updated Status Message that is sent by the NAVCEN within 60 minutes of notification by the Air Force of a change to the GPS Constellation. 2.NANU List server: This service provides the subscriber with an e- mail containing the NANU that is sent by NAVCEN within 60 minutes of notification by the Air Force of a change to the GPS Constellation. 3.CGSIC List server: This service provides the subscriber with an e- mail containing GPS and CGSIC announcements.
Interference Reporting The Navigation Center appreciates your reports regarding service degradations, outages, or other incidents or anomalies. Please report problems via our GPS Problem Report PageGPS Problem Report Page After a GPS user completes these forms, they are sent to a database for tracking, analysis, and resolution. Reports may be received via phone/fax.
Interference Reporting Process User contacted for additional information, if necessary. The report contains specific data regarding the observed outage, degradation, incident or anomaly. If the report is aviation related it will be directed to the FAA for tracking, analysis, and resolution. Maritime and terrestrial related reports will be simultaneously processed by the USCG GPS Liaison to the GPS Operations Center at Schriever AFB and NIS personnel for resolution.
USCG/USAF Resolution Process Check for constellation events during reported outage period by using NANU. Check Post Assessment PDOP Charts at GPS Operations Center website. Check DGPS logs for GPS signal anomalies (high pseudo range residual, high position error, high range rate correction, various types of dilution of position, high pseudo range noise) during reported outage times. GSC Liaison checks for reports from military users during same time period of civilian report. Perform analysis of constellation activity during reported outage times.
Interference Reporting Process Upon finding a resolution, the NIS will notify the user; if the report is not resolved for 30 days, the user will be notified of the situation. 30 days after reporting findings to the user, the NIS will again contact the user to assess the situation and submit a new report if necessary. Focus is on Customer Service and Satisfaction.
NAVCEN Mirror Site Maintained to disseminate information for GPS, DGPS, and Loran radio navigation systems in the event our main site is unavailable. 3. Fully redundant information - all information and functions that are available on the primary site is available on the mirror site. 4. Hosted off-site with remote access capabilities.
Current NDGPS Coverage In the lower 48, approximately 87% has single coverage and 55% has dual coverage. In the lower 48, approximately 87% has single coverage and 55% has dual coverage.
International Standard NDGPS is designed to an international, non-proprietary standard Compliant with RTCM SC-104 and ITU-R M.823 Increases market for manufacturers Enhances Global interoperability Signal is free to all users 47 other countries operate systems compatible to ours Resulting in a seamless international navigation system
Acceptance of the international standard is leading to a seamless worldwide service. Acceptance of the international standard is leading to a seamless worldwide service.
GPS (16-24 meters) High Accuracy NDGPS NDGPS (1 to 3 meters) HA-NDGPS Dynamic (0.1 meters)
High Accuracy NDGPS Program Objectives Develop a nationwide 3-D dynamic positioning service that has an accuracy of less than 15 centimeter and time to alarm integrity of less than 2 seconds Coexist with existing NDGPS infrastructure Do not degrade existing NDGPS Minimize deployment costs
Navigation Information Service (mirror site) Phone: Fax: