EU Funding in Wales Dr. Adrian Healy School of Planning and Geography Cardiff University
BIS eligibility simulation (2008 GDP)
Focus of Attention ERDF/ESF West Wales and the Valleys East Wales EAFRD Rural Development Programme
SF consultation A confident, ambitious and entrepreneurial Wales, prospering from sustainable economic growth SME competitiveness Infrastructure Research and Innovation Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Helping people at work Education, skills and lifelong learning Early years and young people SME competitiveness Research and Innovation Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Skills Youth employment
Research, Innovation and Learning Horizon 2020 Excellent Science Competitive Industries Tackling societal challenges ERA chairs Twinning/partnering arrangements Staff mobility/exchange Research infrastructures (linked to ERDF) Erasmus For All Reduce early school leaving to 10% Increase % of HE graduates to 40% Learning mobility Co-operation Policy support
European Territorial Cooperation (INTERREG V) Cross-border Wales-Ireland Transnational Atlantic Area North West Europe Inter-regional Strengthening RTDI ICT access and quality Competitiveness of SMEs Low carbon economy Climate change Environment and resource efficiency Sustainable transport Promoting employment and mobility Promoting social inclusion Investing in education and skills
Why Cinderella? Overlooked Ad hoc individual initiative No coordinated or concerted efforts
Looking forwards Connecting Innovating Broadening Strengthening Gateways to talent and expertise Ambitious and entrepreneurial in both approach and in deed